
Why do people like to copy cat others avatar and answers and question then after that they block others?

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  1. i'm too creepy to answer this...

    who are they anyway?

  2. ^

    the unblocker just unblocked me... it because of my net stocking?

    or my hideous bikini?

  3. hmm  they need some attention may be they felt lonely , so let them enjoy their time ...pity Its Show Time !!!

  4. I like to play blocks,

    it's good for fine motors.

  5. Yaya, 1 thumb up for you for keeping everybody informed.


    Yaya, for informing all ppl that i blocked u la... So sweett...

  6. crab anak

    (smaller than rat)

  7. i am not sure why cheekeedee blocked the first place...very creepy...


    she asked few Q..but when click to answer.. i am blocked..

  8. hmm...she unblocked me just now.

    now, only Jedi sweetheart and cincindiamond (now he is 'LadyOfLeisure') blocked me.



    chekedee..informed about Jed+cincin..or informed all ppl this morning that u blocked me? hehehe..... cheers... =D...thumbs up for you too...

  9. who block who o?

  10. why is it called copycat?

    why not copydog or copyrat or copycrab?

    why cat get the blame?


    when a Yammer blocked other users, it will make them more noticeable, acknowledge and eventually that could make them popular.

    Yaya, Bean, Jeffy and you are among the hottest Yammers.

    Blocking you guys will create some chaos here.

    You people can still be the famous one and the blockers can

    be the infamous character.

    Yin and Yang.

  11. yes i agree as i also like copy cat others avatar answers and question then after that they block others !then unblock back....!!....i just want be myself and hate someone insult me!!..


    sorry jeffy......!!

    add >>>>>

    bean, that's me ...right?...i know  !!!     lol

  12. *Update*

    'the blocker' has just unblocked everyone, so may the crab bless him..

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