
Why do people like to go to mexico, but don't like mexicans to come to the U.S.?

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it's not fair that people from the u.s can go to mexico without a problem, but they get mad when a mexican or immigrant goes to the u.s. in mexico they are considered immigrants to so wahats the difference?!!!!




  1. the difference is coming here/there illegally and making a place of residence, not just vacation.

  2. Because we don't stay.  They do.

    Edit:  Answered this quickly last night in order to find the question again.  I would like to add this:  The objection is that Americans go to Mexico legally; Mexicans come to the US illegally.  Big difference.

    Perhaps the US should just adopt Mexico's Immigration policies as their own; then we would all be on equal footing.

    Here are a few of the articles in Mexico's policy of immigration:

    1. If you migrate to Mexico you must speak the native language.

    2. You must be a professional or investor. NO unskilled workers allowed!

    3. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools no special ballots for elections all government business will be conducted in Spanish.

    4. Foreigners will NOT have the right to vote regardless of time lived in Mexico.

    5. Foreigners will never be able to hold political office.

    6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers of Mexico. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, no other government assistance programs.

    7. Foreigners can invest in thee country but must be an amount equal to 40000 times the daily minimum wage.

    8. If foreigners wish to purchase land it may be approved but

        options will be restricted. Foreigners are not allowed to

        purchase waterfront property - that is reserved for citizens

        naturally born in Mexico.

    9. Foreigners may not protest; no demonstrations; no waving a foreign flag; no political organizing; no negative comments

    about the Mexican president or his policies. To do so is cause for immediate deportation to country of origin.

    10. Foreigners coming to Mexico illegally will be hunted down and sent to jail. Illegal aliens in Mexico are considered FELONS. for me.

  3. we obey the laws when we visit where as they do not.  They steal our identity, jobs etc..  I have had one who was using my social security number back in the 90's and I know that they got it from a salesman at this car dealer that I bought my truck from - salesman got busted and this was in Indio, CA.  Believe me I've been hard nose about illegals since.

    Here's some advice - when  you apply for a job do NOT put your SS# on the application - only do it when you go in for an interview.

  4. THEY INVADE US WE INVADE THEM! well, they're all here so there is no point, there are no people to invade!!!! DARN IT

  5. Cause they want to take over when they come here.

  6. 1/2 of Mexico is now permanently living the US legal and nonlegal

  7. Los que hablan negativamente de nuestra cultura solo se sienten intimidados por nuestra educacion, valores, y bienestar porque la educacion de ellos es tan inferior que causa a que hablan y respondan con ignorancia.  Pobresitos, ellos no tienen la culpa....sus padres no supieron educarlos....Ahora busquen un traductor para que les ayude...oh, and by the way, I took an American job because I knew two languages...ha, ha,.....perro que ladra no muerde!!!   Oh, and to answer the question......people go to mexico because it's a beautiful place to be.....Mexico is beautiful and Mexicans are beautiful people too. Some U.S. natives (the ignorant group) feel very threatened with the mexican presence.  BOO!!!

  8. Yeah, I'd say there is a significant difference between visiting for a short time, while adding to the economy, and staying, uninvited, permanently, and draining the economy.

  9. a lot of mexicans but NOT all when they come to the us, their wives keep making kids and getting on medicaid, wic etc.

    and of course the wife doesn't have to work. also they sell drugs, commit crimes, they are trouble but again as i said not all of them. i actually know some very nice and educated mexicans living here legally.

    ps: i am not a us born resident, i came here legally.


  11. Maybe the US are afraid of what they did in the 1800s. In the 1830s the Mexican government gave permission to immigrants from the newly formed US to come and settle in Texas, former Mexican territory. In less than 10 years, these immigrants declared Texas independent from Mexico with the intention to join the US (quite a well thought strategy, I guess...). This triggered the Texas war which led to the US invasion of Mexico, which ended in Mexico loosing half of its territory to the US. Mexico lost all the land from California to Texas because of letting in these immigrants in. I suppose its fear, or ...? Let me know what you think?

  12. people going from us to mexico are just going for a short time and they are coming legally.  People coming from Mexico to US are coming permanently and they are sometimes coming illegally.  That is about half of the reason.  The other half is just racism.

  13. good question but  no answer

  14. exactly!

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