
Why do people like to look for problems in their lives when others are suffering so much more than them?

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Why do people like to look for problems in their lives when others are suffering so much more than them?




  1. people don't look for problems. it is physically out of human nature. people look for things that come along with problems.

    something as simple as an orange. you want to eat what's on the inside, so you have to peel what's on the outside to get to it. this is simple logic but it relates to anything and everything in the universe..

  2. People are normally self centered beings, it is hard for them to grasp the concept of someone that might be dealing with more trying events than their own. It takes a strong person to step outside of their own reality to see what the others are going through, if you are a strong person, I applaud you for being open-minded. Good luck with your quest for an infinite answer.  

  3. Some people are unable to think of anyone else other than themselves.

  4. Because some people can't see past themselves...they are so self-centered that they don't think anyone has the problems like they do. Pretty sad, actually.

  5. I have a friend like this. This place may be messed up, but it could get a whole lot worse. I don't understand how she can tell me she can't get up and smile when she has her limbs, and her voice, her eyesight and her hearing. Or complain about her looks so much, yet she has no physical deformities, and there are people so obese that they can't get out of bed- and those people actually want to. Wanna know about people who can't get out of bed? People in prisons all over the world who are fighting for something they believe in- people who lost their legs in stupid wars and accidents. Or how she can tell me that there's no one to talk to, when she can actually speak the language. Despite the hand she's been dealt, and despite her mental conditions, a small part of her life IS in her hands. It is a sad sight to see someone who can't take care of themselves, someone who doesn't take opportunities that come her way, someone so self absorbed that they can't suck it up for even a day. She deserves nothing more than anyone else, and there are a lot of people who have been through worse than her, who still have the ability to get up in the morning. I don't believe she's weak, I simply think she's lazy.

  6. There are people in every part of the world but still a few people who can not just sit there and think about what to do at weekend or what to wear for the party or such a stuff.

    Although they may think they can not do anything that might help, but at least when they hear something sad from the other part of the world they think about it deeply and they think how would people from other walk of life might feel with so much disasters and problems.

    But most people are different, I think it's because we are selfish and a tiny problem of ours seems much more impotant than a big problem of a neighbor.unfortunately in the modern world we've learnt how to deny other's problem and how to ignore people's suffers, it seems we are forggeting we should help each other when we are in trouble at least because one day we would need help.

    I hope you've got your answer and I hope one day comes that people care about each other more than now.

  7. The others have said it pretty well, but I'd like to add that most simply just don't know any better. I honestly believe they can't see the error in their own ways. Bad upbringing or just plain lack of character, I don't know which, perhaps it's both...  

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