
Why do people like to pick on people who are more reserved and quiet???

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Why do people like to pick on people who are more reserved and quiet???




  1. They're testing you. Do nothing, they will laugh and do it again, and again, and again.

    React like you're going to tear their head off, and they won't bother you again.

    I found out the hard way, that's how people stop picking on you.

  2. I think sometimes those who bully tend to be insecure themselves in certain ways. They may, for example, be trying to elevate their social status by being the one to make everyone laugh when they mock another person. They could also be trying to lower the victim's social status. This serves to make them feel popular and secure within a social group, although ultimately illustrates their underlying fears about what others think of them.

    But why choose quiet people? It could be that this person seems less of a threat, less likely to fight back. In the previous context bullying is essentially a cowardly thing, and perhaps people who don't tend to be loud or aggressive suggest fewer consequences as targets.

    I think other times people bully because they are uncomfortable with qualities in people that are different to themselves. Racism or homophobia are obvious examples.   If this is the motivating factor then maybe the person is a loud, extroverted person themselves, and are uncomfortable about people who don't behave in the same way.

  3. Less likely to be confrontational. Bullies don't want fair fights, they want people to cower.

    At the same time, it may be an unconscious decision of try to feel greater by easily putting others down.

  4. They want you to blast out at them so they can pick on you more. That happens to all people who look and act different. Just ignore those morons then they would find a weaker object to pick on.

  5. Because they falsely assume that the quiet person is weak...and is a push over.  

    Often though the quiet person is also a more intelligent person....who is able to turn the tables....and make the attacker appear foolish....

    This is done by the art of "third personing".....this learn to us the art of language to cut their legs out from under them...and they don't figure it out until later....

  6. if your quiet around them, they might assume that your judging them in your mind.  if someone asks you, "why are you so quiet?" just smile, look them straight in the eye and say, "i was taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

  7. they feel they can intimidate them. these are the ones you have to watch though. they will only take so much then when they can't take it any more they go off.

  8. Because reserved and quiet people are not sheep. Not like the popular people that blindly follow every trend or icon day in and day out.

    Quiet people have more imaginative frames of mind and are complex with abstract thought. They are out of the box thinkers.

    People that pick on them cannot think for themselves and have others lead them where they ever they so desire.

    Yet, many of them all too often count on those people with home work, loans, or someone to talk to help in spite of how badly they treat them.

  9. Because they hate themselves, these are the kinds of people who won't go ANYWHERE in life. Face it theyre failure and they know it, so they take it out on the innocent. Smile at them the next time they do such an act.

  10. Some people may think that reserved/quiet people are easy targets...because they may be viewed (erroneously, in most cases) as not being able to stand up for themselves.

  11. Such people have insecurities and personal problems of their own. To make themselves feel better and to sort of deny that they have problems, they find people who they believe are harmless and quiet. By picking on them and teasing them, they satisfy some nasty ego troubles and nothing else.

    If someone picks on you, its because their life is h**l and they don't know how to get out of the mess. You should feel sorry for them.

  12. who cares. if someone really is quiet, then people really don't have a real reason to make fun of them, there just being jerks for the sake of it.

  13. Because they are themselves  insecure AND they think it's fun until they pick on the wrong one.  Then there's hades to pay...

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