
Why do people like to talk trash about celeberties?

by Guest62210  |  earlier

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there like normal people but like everybody knows who they are why are they such

big targets to talk about?




  1. People are in denial about who they are and why they are here.  As a distraction they latch on to celebrities/idols to replace or occupy the time they could be working on themselves or praying to God, or showing someone they Love them.  By Loving/Hating the Celebrity they do not have to look at themselves.  And by comparison think themselves as  "Right" or "Better".

  2. Who really cares about 'celebrities' and their lives?  Only shallow people.

  3. because celebrities usually are dumb and act like trash go figure.

  4. envy

  5. I know they are normal people.. but they chose a profession that puts them constantly into the limelight.. the paparazzi bring out magazines and newspapers about them and some are speculations.. so if you hear something bad said about a celebrity. and it's in the magazine .. of course a lot of people will believe that is the truth... If they were just normal shop assistants or even computer technicians instead of celebs nobody would care about them and would not want to read gossip about them.. Fame comes with a price.. also the price that they have no private life....x*x they make millions.. for that they have to pay the price that the papers write stories about them...xx

  6. curiosity, jealousy, not enough to do in their own lives, actually wishing they could live a celebrity's life.  

  7. People who gabble on about celebrities don't have much of a life of their own so they try to live the glamor life of celebrities by yapping about them.  It's like celebrities are somehow extra special.  I feel that celebrities are just working people like the rest of us.  They we fortunate enough to land jobs that pay big money and keep them in the publc eye.  Other than that, they all put their underpants on one leg at a time.

  8. Many celebrities bring it on themselves by acting like total idiots.  As they are well known, more people will talk trash about them and others can join in because they 'know' the person being talked about and therefore have an opinion.

    'They're like normal people'.  You really think so?

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