
Why do people liked subbed better then dubbed?

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This is a serious question that has been on my mind for a while now. Why do people like subbed better then dubbed? I like dubbed better because you can hear the inflection of the voice actors, and you can see the action better then when you are reading the subtitles. I would like to hear your input on the subject of which you like better and why.




  1. I dislike dubbed movies because of the disparity between the movements of the actors' mouths and the words that are spoken. Besides, it's much more interesting to hear a foreign language.

  2. I prefer subs because it seems more original, like that's how it was meant for it to be viewed.  Also, I LOVE the Japanese language and also like to hear their original voices.

    Dubbed just creeps me out.  

  3. It depends whether its cartoon or not.

    If it's not a cartoon, dubbed is really cheesy because it doesn't fit the movement of their mouth.

    Whereas in a cartoon, you can't tell if the speech doesn't fit the movement of the mouth so in a cartoon dubbed is better. (well im my opinion anyway) :)

  4. I like subbed better because when I watch something dubbed, I feel fake. The subbed is always original. That's what I like about it. And the fact that you might have to read subtitles and miss out on action won't affect you once you're used to it, because you'll be accustomed to reading fast. Also, you get to learn japanese by watching subbed.

  5. almost 90% of the dubbed versions of anime are HORRIBLE and painful to listen to. and plus, when you watched the subbed versions, at least you're learning some japanese :D

  6. I prefer subtitles because I often find that the voice acting in dubbed anime is TERRIBLE.  Whether it's because the voice tone simply doesn't match the character art, or the person has no talent for conveying emotion in the lines, it is often simply jarring to my ears.  (There are, of course, exceptions to the rule - "Red Garden" comes to mind, as it was an anime that I was particularly attracted to simply BECAUSE the dubbing was so well-done!  I also think it would be fun to go into voice acting simply to improve upon the quality of dubbed voices...!)

    I watch a lot of foreign films, so reading subtitles doesn't really distract me from the action going on in the frame.  I often actually forget the language in which I am watching a movie/show, simply because I cease to notice the subtitles after the first few minutes - and even though the words may be in a foreign language, the emotional implication of a character's line usually employs similar intonation changes as they would in english.  (I realize, however, that not everyone can easily do the "double duty" of reading subtitles and connecting them to foreign sounds - so I respect the viewpoint of those who prefer dubbing for these reasons.)

    Additionally, as some people have mentioned, the lines often change a LOT when dubbed.  I'm not sure why they wouldn't simply use the same translation whether written or spoken, but they don't!  I find that it is sometimes not only editing for swear words and other inappropriate content, but sometimes even character development is changed by the line alterations.  I'm definitely old enough to watch all ranges of content (haha), so when it comes down to it, I'd rather know what the writer's intent was, rather than what some tv editor decided was appropriate for kids or easier for english people to say.  

    Reading the subtitles also affords you a chance to learn more about the culture in which the characters reside, as well.  Even if a line doesn't outright explain something, subtitlers will often provide an explanation or definition for a reference to significant dates/festivals/etc that are mentioned by the character (when they might not be recognized by speakers of another language).  However, in the dubbed versions, they'll usually simply change the whole reference to "war"/"party"/some other equally ambiguous word to avoid adding verbose explanations by the characters!  

    These are the reasons that I prefer subtitles, but everyone is different.  I don't think one is necessarily "better" than the other - to each his own!

  7. Some peoply enjoy subbed better than dubbed because things that have been said in the original language are put into different contexts, which ruins the whole feeling for some people. I don't really have a problem with either. Either is fine with me. I don't care what it is as long as I can understand somewhat of the show.

  8. Everyone has their own preference on why they like one better than the other. its just how people are. but here are the reasons why some people like subbed better:

    1) People think the anime sounds better when you actually listen to the voices and they are from the real original language and such if that makes sense.

    2) when you watch dub, they leave out a lot of things sometimes, like blood or curse words, and some people would rather actually know what the people are saying and also be able to see the other fighting stuff along with it.

    3) Some animes are not dubbed so you kind of have to watch it subbed anyways.

    and then the people who prefer subbed wonder why people like the dubbed versions better. here are some peoples reasons why they like dubbed:

    1) not so much cursing or swearing and such.

    2) they block out the "bad" stuff like blood and such.

    3) you are able to actually watch the show than concentrate reading the subtitles.

    im sure there are many more reasons for preferred references of subbed or dubbed. i much prefer subbed but if i HAVE to  i will watch the anime dubbed if i can't seem to find it anywhere. but that is just me. anyways yeah.

    happy anime!


  9. The voices are usually way better in Japanese and more suitable since it is the original. Dubbed versions also don't always translate well. When you listen to the Japanese, even if you don't understand it, you should feel the emotion of the voice. And over time you will learn a few Japanese phrases or sayings. When I first started watching anime, I watched it in English (DBZ :D) and I would never watch it in Japanese and wondered why people would watch it in Japanese. Well I decided to try it one day and I was converted lol. Now I pretty much watch everything subbed instead. There are a few good series that have good dubs though like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, etc.

  10. I do like dubbed, I agree with you on the reasons, but I like subbed alittle more because I like hearing Japanese voices ^_^, the only reason I don't like dubbed it cause the voice they have

    this is a weird arguement..nothing to get mad or anything about it....

  11. Me personally, I agree with you. I like dubbed better than subbed.

    But I heard that some people like subbed better because the dubbed changes the voices and they like to hear the Japanese voice.

  12. I like subbed better, 'cause you are hearing the original voices and get a better feel for that specific character by their voice. Plus, normally they ruin the translations when they go over in english.

    But, that's me personally.  

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