
Why do people listen to the lies of FOX news?

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Fox News is the only news source, which has conveniently failed to mention General Pace, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff's findings that Iran isn't and has never been involved in providing insurgents any weapons in Iraq. There are hundreds of news sources which reported the results of our government's extensive study of the involvement of Iran and it's a fact that those results showed no Iranian involvement. Fox news continued to call this imaginary Iranian connection to the attacks on our soldiers as "our proxy war with Iran", in a sort of sick, demented foreplay to ready the public to the idea that war with Iran has already begun and that the Iranians had initiated it.

Fox News is an agent of deception. They are willing to get young American men and women as well as innocent Iranians killed, to fulfill their agendas which have nothing to do with what's right, or what's to the benefit of our country.

Here are hundreds of sources reporting the facts of our government's ...




  1. Fox adds another perspective and additional information to other sources like the NYTs, NPR, CNN, CBS, PBS

  2. Sometimes people prefer to listen to whatever will reinforce the beliefs they already hold. Fox News knows its target audience very well, and shapes their stories to play into the deepest fears of its loyal viewers. The fact that so many people hate this "news" network should tell you that not everyone listens to what they have to say. It doesn't make them less dangerous, though.

  3. The same reason people continue to listen to CNN and MSNBC who have failed to mention the connection of Obama to home grown terrorist, Bill Ayres.

  4. I think that, if a news source agrees with your point of view, you're more likely to turn to it.  Fox is obviously slanted towards the neoconservative point of view, very much so, and so those who share those views can revel in the superior attitude displayed by the commentators there.  It's an ego-boost.

  5. Because it's more convenient to be told what to think than to actually study and examine for ones self.

    They aren't any different than CNN or MSNBC though. It's just a bunch of jackass punditry disguised as news.

  6. All channels tell some lies. Viewers are smarter than the reporters.

  7. THEY ARE CALLED 'fundies'

    If fox says 2+2 = 5, then 2+2 = 5 ... not ... 2+2 = 4

  8. Because 87% of the people are stupid. The will believe just about anything that a well dressed and seemingly powerful individual tells them.

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