
Why do people litter????

by  |  earlier

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Cant they just throw it in a trash can i dont understand why ppl litter all the time cant they see that they are effecting our world in the wrong way?? Why do you/they do that?




  1. I do it all the time, its easier, likewise if i need a poo I do it in someones front garden

  2. do you know what is the ironic thing about ppl who are littering? well they are usually clean people. they don't want to be with rubbish, so they place the rubbish at other areas but they don't care if they are littering or not.

    Actually people litter is because they are just lazy to find for the trash can, or they assume that some one will come and clean it up for them.

    I don't litter.

  3. They have no social conscience.

  4. They are egotists and it gives them a sense of power to see others cleaning up after them.

  5. They are Lazy Pigs !!

  6. total indifference.

  7. I Don't litter and I don't like anyone that does even a cigarette butt irks me. People litter because they are lazy and self centered and they have no respect for anybody or anything! nuff said!

  8. they are too lazy

  9. They are lazy

  10. because they have no common sense. They pigs. They litter and trash the envoronment.

  11. because they're too d**n lazy to drop it in a bin or hold it until they find a proper trash disposal.

  12. people litter cause they are lazy and careless. thye dont fell like throwing their trash in a trash can or recycle. trust me im disgusted by that too.

  13. hahaha,

    i like this question.

    well i can say that I have littered once or twice before and when I did it was when i was very lazy and didnt want trash where i was at the time. So yeah.. Lazy peaple Litter

  14. When I see kids doing it I assume it's because they haven't been brought up properly as I would never even consider not putting rubbish in a trash can. Adults its just plain laziness. I wish there was more policing for this sort of thing and on the spot fines. It is such a disgraceful way to behave and yet goes unpunished.

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