
Why do people look at each other when passing one another on the freeway?

by Guest56166  |  earlier

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Why do people look at each other when passing one another on the freeway?




  1. main reason to see if they know them or if they are cute

  2. I don't look at other guys. To do so would indicate homosexuality. However, I do often look at good-looking women in the next car, because to do so indicates heterosexuality, and I like looking at good-looking women.

  3. To see if the person is a moron on a cell phone and if they are, I'll know to keep out of their way.

  4. its the temptation to see who is next to you.

  5. Its watching a strangers life happen right in front of you. I do it all the time. Some days I think I can actually meet the man of my dreams in the car next to me. LOL

  6. to see if there hot , to see if the slow traffic is caused by an old person , to see if there picking there nose ect ect.

  7. I look over next to me all the time just to see who's on my left side.  I just think it's interesting, especially when they are combing their hair, reading the newspaper, or even picking their noses while driving.


  8. hahaha whoaa i dunno

    i guess curiousity wins again...

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