
Why do people look at me weird?

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when i am on my college campus it seems like everyone is staring at me. and people are always randomly saying hi to me when we make eye contact. the thing is that i really dont look like anyone else. i have a very unique look. imo i look like a mix between arab, hispanic, white (italian). i dont feel that i have ever seen anyone else that looks like me. i am not ugly imo, but i am not really attractive. i just feel so alienated at my college because i feel so different here. has anyone ever felt this way, idk, i just get so self conscious sometimes.




  1. I know it's hard but just be yourself. A lot of poeple are very judgemental, you are who you are and that's who god wants you to be.

      Good Luck

  2. If people are making eye contact and saying hi, what is so wrong about that. You are in college now, preparing for the big world. Concentrate on that. As you get older you will not worry about what others think of you, because you will be too busy living your life.

    just be cool and say hi back!

  3. You're a Freak!

    Just like me.

    So don't feel so alone.

  4. just be yourself just dont worry about anybody else. chances are that you wont probably ever see most of them ever again anyways

  5. It's 'cause you got a green thang stuck between your two front teeth.  

  6. Look you are going to college to be SOMEBODY  so why are you worried about what other people think . Just study hard and concentrate on school and when your making the big money all those women are gonna be at your door no matter how weird you look . just look at Don King and Donald Trump you know they don't care how they look !

  7. chuck norris says: its ok.

  8. its sounds like you've got social anxiety its kinda like paranoia i used to have really bad but its starting to get better now

  9. maybe their just trying to be friendly. dont take it personally, like as if their trying to alienate you!

    just be kind back and keep a smile on your face!

  10. It sounds to me like you are self conscious to the point of paranoia, which is actually fairly normal for college students.  People say hi because they say hi. It's not an unusual thing for people to do especially in situations where you cross paths often or have frequent opportunities to make eye contact without actually being introduced.  If you are not from America you might be adjusting to a difference in social mores.  I remember a young man from Russia who was utterly bewildered by the way people were always asking him how he was.

    Try not to worry about people looking at you.  Don't think about yourself so much.  Thinking about yourself just makes you self conscious.  

  11. dude, just ignore everyone else and chill w/ ur friends. just relax and enjoy life

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