
Why do people look up to musicians? ?

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Why do so many people look up to their favorite bands or other musicians more than other... profesions, i guess. maybe because we just see them all the time or something but still. how do people get so insainly crazy when they see the bands they like preform live or they meet them.

i don't even know if there is an answer :)




  1. Some people are more passionate about things than others.  I personally adore the bands I do because their music moves me at a base level.  I'm so thrilled that they share their talent with us that when I see them in person, I get quite excited.  If music doesn't mean much to you, you probably wouldn't understand.  

  2. Lol insanely crazy, that made me laugh. And reminded me of how earlier I was freaking out because In 2 days I'll be going to meet my favorite singer ever!

    But I think it's just because music is something almost everybody can relate to. I mean, some people look up to presidents (not so much anymore) but it's because they are interested in politics while there's other people in this world who can't stand it. There's people who look up to authors - yet most of the youth population can't stand reading books. So, like I said before almost everybody can relate to music and no matter who you are there's something out there for you. And I guess that's why there's so many people who look up to songwriters and bands. They have both passion and talent that are shared so much differently than just an article in the newspaper or an interview on TV.

    If that made any sense, I'm floating off topic but I hope you get what I'm saying :)

    It just depends who you are and what you like

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