
Why do people make a wish on 11:11?

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I was just wondering because i always wish on 11:11 and i dont no why my friend just told me to make a wish.




  1. I've never heard of that practice.  Perhaps it's local tradition?  

  2. I always made a wish anytime i coincedentally looked at the clock and it had all the same digits onm it.... and I would usually look at 5:55

  3. I don't know.  It just a mark on a clock, a man-made contrivance without any connection to the universe.

  4. its good luck:-)

  5. it's lucky, it's a palindrome and it's the only time where the same number repeats itself four times. I do it every once in awhile!

  6. It is human nature to add extra importance to symmetry.


  7. pfft...i just know its from 16 candles.  

  8. It's a superstition. I knew that it brings good luck not that you had to make a wish. But it's the same with 12:12 or any other two numbers that are the same.

  9. Simple affirmation of desire and an attempt to control the future.

    Added to what Veda Tec, above,said ..."Human Nature" and recognition of symmetry.

    It's "magical thinking" ineffective and ultimately very cruel to ourselves.

  10. it is supposed to be a time when we can summon angels and they listen to us.

  11. cuz its lucky

  12. its like wishing on a star, its just something people do because its supposed to be lucky

  13. Confused.  Sorry.

  14. some people make a wish on 10:10 instead. some people on 12:12, too. I guess it's because these times only happen once a day (don't count night) and it has the same numbers as hour and minute.  

  15. i really don't know possibly superstition i do it as well and believe it or the wish usually does come true lol some people say you can actually make a wish at 3:33 or when ever all of the numbers on the clock are the same but ALL is the key word because ALL the numbers aren't the same at 2:22 but yet they are at 11:11 you can probably look up urban myth origins on google it may help

  16. Not only is it an appealing number to the eye because of its symmetry and binary simplicity but because in this world where things are becoming so difficult and people are sometimes forced to settle for things; it gives people hope or something to believe in. Just like kissing your hand and touching the headliner of your car when going though a yellow light "protects you in some way" or tossing a coin in a wishing well and making a wish for great things brings the person making the wish some kind of comfort and peace, or why people turn to religious icons for moral support and guidance through difficult times. The list could go on and on. If you are so inclined, pick whatever superstition brings you the most comfort and peace at the time and enjoy yourself.

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