
Why do people make big deals over small things?

by  |  earlier

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I won't say any names, but someone's been stalking me today... and she's saying really weird stuff, like that I'm someone else, and she's really creeping me out... why do people do things like this? For attention?




  1. people do these things for a lot of different reasons but most likely their looking for attention......or maby the ladyz just crazy!!

  2. you don't?  

    You have a problem dealing with opinions that don't suit you...but that is life dear..grow up!!!

  3. i guess people like to eat a lot!!!!

    x] lol

  4. What the h**l are you talking about.. ? You are a fruit cake, and very well known as a nutty nut here on yahoo. go away!

  5. You have issues and i have seen your answers to others that you have written and changed and so on.. You even answered mine a few times and I had to delete them, because you were not being so nice. I hope your account gets deleted because I think you have DID bigtime.

  6. I'm not sure.. but I've had the same problem and actually it was you.. I just asked a question like this and in return you decide to ask one just like it to put the blame on me.. I have reported you and have gotten many of your answers deleted.. when these people check my account they will see that you are not only stalking me, but now copying my questions.. I am responding now, just to let you know that myself and few others on here are reporting you now.. so stop. I asked a similar question and now minutes after you stalked me and answered that question.. you ask the same one... PLEASE leave me alone.. and I'll keep reporting you until you do.. NewYork/Hotz

    I know you suffer from MPD.. and you thought I could help for some reason.. but I can't help you anymore.. Sorry

  7. Hmmm.. from what I've seen of you.. you are the stalker.. you have chased this girl all over the internet and yes I see that now you are copying her answers. Grow up girl..!

    Wow, NewYork... you even let your evil twin come and pretend to be you on this question need help!! Hottz, I know for a fact you are New York... and now you are trying to insult someone who isn't even involved with you...

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