
Why do people make fun of blondes?

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I am a girl with dirty blonde hair. Teachers are constantly making fun of the girls that i go to school with and me for having blonde hair. It makes me mad and i wanna know why people constantly make fun of blondes. thanks!




  1. Well...sorry, but I just think its something that came around that associates blonde with ditzy. Forgetful, etc. And really when you look on T.V. sometimes that is purposely the role they are give...or course this is not in all cases. However there it is, and most people are influnenced by media.

    I dont make fun of blondes however I do know a lot of blondes who have adopted the 'fun' themselves. they are always saying things like, oh boy I just had a blonde moment. and laughing. I never took to it, but if your around that...most people would pic it up, because that person is always doing it.  

  2. Because its fun

                     some blondes are dumb just have one with it

  3. I'M NOT going to touch this!


    It'd be like shooting fish in a barrel.

  4. because it human nature to make fun of someone for being "different", deal with it.

  5. Because Hollywood created the dumb blond character, used it over and over.  Then someone came up with the dumb blond jokes.  Now, blonds are a group that people can make fun of, tell jokes about, and feel they aren't being bigots.  

  6. Because people don't really buy Playboy for the articles.

  7. because people are really stupid these dayss.

  8. Huh? Your teachers are sexist ! Report them. That's no different than making fun of someone with a speech impediment. That is a bunch of c**p.

  9. IDK its just a joke i mean some brown haired people are dumber than blonde ppl but idk cus im blonde but i hate it! i want brown hair!

  10. because so many are dumb!

  11. They think blondes are obviously superior and as such they should be able to take a ribbing.

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