
Why do people make "temporary" friends?

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What's the point in that. Why not make forever friends. I'm asking after reading back some answers on someone else's question on where to sit at lunch. She was told to find a "cute quiet girl" to "make temporary friends with." That makes me mad, actually. If I don't think someone's going to be my real friend, I don't put all my time and energy into them. I just say hi and bye, pretty much. So sad. I hate people who do that "temporary" friend thing, till they get whoever they really want. Maybe they hate me too.




  1. this is normal thing

    u can't have more than 10 close friends in same time with all their problems, issues, and details

    it's better that u have close friends and a non close friends like in work team when u like some one that u might like to eat with or go sometimes to have even cup of beer with with no penetration of both of u, u know just a light friendship

  2. i am also not in favor for temporary friendship, what that mean by temporary? Are one is looking for temporary hole to put his d**k or mo**th?

    Light friendship is quite fine that is of hello hi. There is no problem with that, infact we should have many friends like this.

    Usually i myself go for long term friendship if acceptable to other.

  3. its depend upon their mentality.  

  4. I believe that some people are very superficial. They only care about how things are for them, how they look, that sort of thing.  Some go for  the friends that can do the most for them rather than looking for people that  they can be friends with for a lifetime..  you  seem like a deeper commitment kind of  girl.

  5. their policy is "USE AND THROW" got it

  6. Well, most of the friends people make are for a season. How many of the people who you went to elementary school with do you still contact on a reasonably regular basis? It's not that you are using them, or don't really like them, it's just that you don't have the really strong bonds that keep a friendship going when you don't see each other.

    There were lots of people in my life who I were friends with when I was in different schools or different jobs, but they weren't people who were forever friends as a lot of the stuff that we had in common was going to the same workplace/school etc.

    There are probably only a few people in your life who will really be 'forever friends'.

    Okay, some people do just use people as a fill in, but almost everyone has friends who they don't really maintain as forever friends.

  7. Well I am 23 and I admit, I make temporary friends. I moved to a remote town and made friends with some people, they move away, I never speak to them again, some get a job, I dont speak to them anymore. With me it's out of sight out of mind, doesn't mean I like them any less, just that they are no longer a part of everyday life, and I am not a phone-convo person.

  8. I agree with you!

    I need true friends in life; who i can trust and know i can rely on.

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