
Why do people make up beliefs so stupid like the global warming?

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Why do people make up beliefs so stupid like the global warming?




  1. Sara your IQ must be off the scale

    the bottom of the scale

  2. No official proof is there about global warming.

    Global warming is nothing but just the idea of some scientists on the planet.

  3. You realize that every international government minus the Americans are onboard for climate protection. Americans are the most irresponsible and biggest polluters on the planet. The figures don't lie, give me all the thumbs down you want. Read a book, you won't find evidence to dispute this fact.

  4. I can't even believe I'm responding to this, but the people that "make up the belief" of global warming are called scientists and their theories are supported by research. Global warming is a fact. good lord.

  5. And gravity and the earth revolving around the sun and a round earth supported by nothing and seasons.....

  6. because the are sheep that must be lead...

  7. I think it's mainly do to arrogance and stupidity.

    People also like to be scared and need something to worry about. It tends to make them happy for some strange reason.

    Most people do not understand basic science and so are easily persuaded that something is true because some so-called scientist has said so.

    'Doom and Gloom' also sells well by the media, science does not!

    There is a lot of money to be made from ignorance and stupidity, because someone will be there to exploit this fact.

    There isn't money to be made just from knowledge.

    If all of the proper scientists got together and formed a lobby group to at least 'force the hands' and insist that science was able to have equal exposure in the media, and force the politicians to listen to the scientific facts, then there would not only be a proper debate, but this insanity would soon end!

    The organizations like the 'IPCC', 'Greenpeace', 'Friends of the Earth', etc... do not want a debate because that would threaten their survival.

    I believe that proper scientists are far too busy finding real solutions to real problems. To waste their precious time and resources on debunking a myth would be insulting and counter-productive!

    I also believe that most scientists lack having a super-inflated ego, and generally find it rather difficult to explain science in layman's terms.

  8. I think that every person who saw "An Inconvenient Truth" should see "The Great Global Warming Swindle".  It basically debunks Al's movie and has more credible resources.  IT was made by scientists, not a mouth piece.

  9. global warming could be real, but the earth is so vast and unpredictable that i go by climate change. but really, people have the right to believe in anything they want, so just because you THINK that you're right, doesn't mean that everyone's stupid. there are a lot people that are smarter than you, and that have lots of proof, what proof do you have?

  10. It's scientific evidence dear! Didn't you see Al Gore's movie? Fact not fiction. If you're not a believer now, you will be in the future.

  11. Because there is a sucker born every day and a con man to sell him something.

  12. lack of intelligence , they have already changed it form global warming to climate change , cause they don't know sh*t about whats going on

  13. Because it's a free country (supposedly) and they have a right to call deniers stupid just as well.

  14. If you look at your thermometer on Monday and it says 38 degrees.  And then look at your thermometer on Tuesday and it says 42 degrees.  Would you be "stupid" to say Tuesday was warmer than Monday?

    Of course not.  Now multiply the above example by 1000's of thermometers spread all over the world read for decades and decades. Then average the daily readings for each year.

    That's why people believe in global warming. Data doesn't lie.

  15. So Al Gore can sell carbon credits and bag their bucks!

  16. because everything matches the "theory"....

    ice caps melting, more extreme weather than before, average temperature rising faster than ever in Earth's history.

    It's obvious, ignorant ppl like you are the ones who damage our planet carelessly

  17. You mean stupid people like these?  They all say global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  18. Ice caps melting?  Yo are dumb.  Its called local warming and volcanic activity.  If you didn't know, most of Antarctica is colder!  And for saying the earth is getting hotter?  The past EIGHT YEARS its been getting cooler!  And that's a scientific fact!  I live in Minnesota and its STILL FREAKING snowing.  So can I make a claim that there's global cooling because its getting colder in my region?  NASA came out with new evidence saying that the ocean floors have not changed one bit!  They sent robots down to the floor and no temperature changes...HMM.  Not to mention 25% of all C02 in the atmosphere is from man.  75% is natural C02.  Are you telling me to go to science class?  What do you think they would teach you in a liberal school?  Almost all schools are LIBERAL, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT.  You communists, socialists, liberals, "watermelons" need to stop wasting millions and millions and MILLIONS of dollars on this idiotic idea.  All environmentalist's do is make assumptions about it, "getting hotter than ever"(even though there have been times before in history that have been significantly hotter than today) and then getting shut down with "scientific facts".  Liberals make up this phony c**p because they need to find a way to control the country.

  19. they don't.

    it's real.

    that's what the Nobel Prize Committee said.

    however, don't we all find it interesting that quite often when questions like this are posted, they are posted by people with 0% best answer, and point levels below 100?

  20. Watch the movie, "Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement".

    You can google the video or rent it.  

    The whole global warming theory is a scam and this movie has compelling evidence to support that.

  21. Well the people who made it up have been dead for a century, so we can't ask them.  It was probably the usual fatal combination of education and intelligence.

  22. because it's happening, there's proof everywhere. although weather humans are causing it or not is controverserial. I watched the Global Warming Swindle and Inconvenient Truth along with other global warming documentries on the Discovery channel and idk what to believe anymore lol

  23. For the same reason people invented beliefs in Gods. That is, this assumption came as close as any to fitting the evidence.

    Granted, when people came up with belief in God they had not uncovered a lot of information, but a God theory  worked very well in explaining a large amount of undiscovered principles.

    Global warming fits a lot of observations without need to accept any dieu ex boit explanations. so the theory is put in place until we can come up with a better theory... one that comes closer to explaining the observations.

  24. Global warming is the new 'factual' flavour of the decade.

    The question is...what are you prepared to do to stop it ?

  25. because people are stupid enough to say it

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