
Why do people make wars?

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Why do people make wars?




  1. people do make wars. its in our very genes. we've been making wars since we crawled out of our caves.

    people make wars for the same reason my eight-year-old daughter wants all of her school uniforms to come from the LTD in the Mall -- because someone else has them from there and she wants them.

    its part of our nature. to yearn for something better than what we have.

    to change the nature of nations, you'd have to change the nature of the individual. Remove the desire for something better from the individual, and you will also remove some of the greater aspects of life.

    scientific advancement, economic fluidity, social structures -- in other words, its because of the fundamental human nature that we are at war but you can also give credit for space travel, pennicillian, your MP3 player, your job, your friends and your heritage to these things, too.

    War sucks, but it aint all bad, and the alternative is much more scary than a volunteer army.


  3. Because they want territory.  Either because they believe that their religion and ideas are right, righteous and superior at the same time (idealistic territory) or because they just outright want the land.  Even if you are one of the "good guys" and want to preserve human rights, you are still fighting over idealistic territory.  

  4. wars are stupid and and act of the devil. See how many ppl they kill, and half the times it takes more than 10 years of killing ppl to solve one problem, that is not humane that is just plain sad, and horrible!!!

  5. Because some people are very selfish and awfully stubborn.

  6. Over the past couple of hundred years it's the Illuminati causing every war out of sheer greed. Just the latest Russian/Georgia showdown had the Illuminati behind Georgia trying to get the pipeline from Ossetia so they can control the oil out of Russia. Russia knows all about them and severely put a dent in their world takeover. Bush did't look too happy. He need to up his meds.

  7. Because, for some very strange reason (be it good or bad) humans very often value ideas and beliefs more than life itself.

    Examples of such ideas: Religion (e.g. crusades), Politics (e.g. colonial wars/civil wars), Ethics (vs. n**i germany)

  8. To gain territory, economic advantages, control of another people, to impose believes on another people.

  9. Power.  Who gets to rule.  Who gets to control the natural resources, cheap labor pool, and set the monetary standards.  

  10. People don't make wars, nations make wars. War unites a nation, produces a surge in the economy with needs for more arms, armor, food supplies and soldiers. It usually results in a gain of sorts, either economic (land, monies, safety) or philosophical. Either way, nations enter into war to show dominance, overcome recession and create a sense of nationalism.  

  11. Why?

    That's a good question.


    So what is the solution?

    Look in the real world.

    Does God exist?

    Matt 22.32


    God don't exist?

    Luke 21.30-33

    Then who kick the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    John 7.19

    Look in the real world.

    Who crown themselves as the men who would be king?

    Matt 27,29,37

    With self lack of knowledge too?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    With unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol, self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    On what the Liberation of Freedom from world war two was all about?

    Exodus 20.1-3

    Leviticus 26.13

    With cheap-skate ghostly stories on tribe of non-existence rights of original descendant?

    Luke 3.7-9

    Exodus 1.5

    In messing up and roughing up the heads of the young ones in hitting them with the Book of the Dead?

    Exodus 23.32

    With the young ones all going to the graveyards of failures and horrors of the past.

    Exodus 23.24

    In shaking and waking up the Dead Mummy who was dead and buried was long gone with time.

    Luke 9.60

    In not giving them the Book of the Living.

    Matt 22.17-21

    When the Book of Records is at the UN or encyclopaedias.

    Now what can the dead do for living human kind?

    John 8.44

    When the living were not dead yet?

    Luke 16.13

    Look at the mess out there even in real time too.

    With the cave-men living in misery from the twilight zone in different time zone?

    John 3.3-7

    Eerily wailing with  faulty education and communication system.

    In throwing pots and pans.

    In bashing up and clubbing  one another among their own kind.

    Over a woman's error from her kitchen created back in the past centuries.

    Without being aware of the mess created back in the past with self lack of knowledge.

    Luke 10.24

    In kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Getting them all kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God.

    All for cheap-skate ghostly stories on glory and success in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past as glory and success of past civilization.

    When success is from the Book of the Living and not with the Book of the Dead.

    Matt 23.27

    What do you think?

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