
Why do people miss chris benoit?

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why do people admire him? he killed his son and wife a double homicide and just when it cant get any worse he goes and kills himself!

what a hero?!?!?




  1. because he was one of the great wreslter even thought wwe wants nothing to do with him anymore because of what he did  

  2. for real. his son and wife need to R.I.P. and benoit needs to B.I.H. (burn in h**l).

  3. I respect what he has done in the ring, he was a great wrestler. People shouldn't remember Benoit for what he did to his family or himself, they should remember what he has done in the WWE. One of the best technical wrestlers ever also.

  4. Chris Benoit is an idiot. I don't know why people admire a murderer who kills innocent people especially family. That's why Benoit commited suicide, so people could still respect him.  

  5. Well, the thing is, when he was autopsied, they found that he had the brain of an eighty year old Alzheimer's patient, which suggests that he wasn't mentally stable at the time of the murders.

    Basically, he wasn't in his right mind when it happened. I don't dismiss what he did as being okay, but I still respect him for being a good wrestler.

  6. Chris was an honorable and respectable man, and we shouldn't remember him for his suicide and murders, but how much he actually did for us, the fans in entertaining us so well. That's why.

  7. He didnt do what he did for money or revenge, his mind failed him.The human body is much more frail the we think and alot can go wrong with it and does.This was a terrible thing and I have pity for him and his family.But I cant hate him for it cause he wasn't himself. Before this happened he was and still is one of the best technical wrestlers ever.No matter what happens outside of the ring dont change what he did inside the ring.Thats what ill always respect.But who said he was a hero?

  8. they miss Benoit the Horseman, not Benoit the Killer.  does digging up old bones make you feel any better?  why not allow Nancy and Daniel to rest in peace?  Any number of people who knew Chris as a real person would be happy to smack the self righteous right out of you.  Believe it.

  9. I definately agree with you big time is that the fact is that thier's some people on this forum that care only of what he did in the ring through out his 15 years in the wrestling industry when he was alive I guess honoring a family killer is more important then two lives that were taken away I don't know whats wrong with some people on this board they'll never learn to accept the truth they rather thumbs down you for no reason just because of what you stated is right.

  10. i hate him now. i was his biggest fan before it all went down. i think he should go in the HOF in 10 years just cus of his wrestling ability, but i hate that guy. hes not a hero if he kills his wife, son, then kills himself

  11. shut your mouth he was a great man and a great proformer

  12. Because like most Chris Benoit fans who are still fans of his(like my self) respect Benoit for the things he did for wrestling,not what he did as a human being.

  13. u know what? F you because he was an awesome wrestler.

  14. I have no idea the man was a monster he killed his wife and can you imagine what his kid went threw when he saw that and the fear  he must of felt when he realized his dad was going to kill him. There is a special place in h**l for that guy

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