
Why do people misunderstand/look at me this way? How do I deal w/ this?

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I walked into Great Wall Supermarket today, I got nervous. The reason is because (in the past) the cashiers say annoying things about me. They speak in an Asiatic language that I cannot understand and I know it seems paranoid for me to even think that they say annoying things about me, but I got (and still do get) this intuitive feeling that they are talking about me. I get embarrassed for several reasons:

1) b/c I don't speak their language (nor understand it)

2) They look at me like I'm some interesting joke

3) The feeling of being ostracized is annoying

One time, that same cashier who I felt was saying annoying things about me-whatever they were-mocked me. For instance, I came around to put MY groceries and stuff in the plastic bags, while my dad was paying (I'm still in high school w/o a job, in case you're wondering) and the cashier muttered something about me and pointed to me, and one of the other cashiers laughed.

I thought this was all in the past, but it's not. Today, when I roamed about looking for a few groceries to buy, the cashiers at the restaurant were looking at me. The moment I strode the aisles, they started speaking loudly. Was it about me? I don't know, but some of them were pointing at me. I saw it at the corner of my eye and I could feel it. Obviously, it's just a feeling, but anyone with any sense of awareness would know when a group of people are following/watching him/her. I stood away from the restaurant at one of the apple bins-approximately 12 feet from where that restaurant was-and looked up to make sure I wasn't paranoid. I saw them looking straight at me. They got quiet, with a few murmurs, their eyes prodding deep holes into myself. I just stared at them, and they scattered a bit. I looked down, picked a few apples, and was off. What I don't understand is why this is happening. This doesen't just happen once, which is something I've been trying to allude to in this post. It happens most of the time, and I have to go to the supermarket with my dad every week . How do I deal with this...?




  1. They must speak enough english to be able to help people so the best thing for you to do is to confront them directly, not in an angry way or an accusing way, but a polite way. "I notice all of you stare at me and point and laugh and I would like to know what the joke is about?" That should stop them cold.

  2. Maybe you look like someone famous

    Maybe you have something funny about you

    Maybe they just think you're cute

    Maybe you should just ask them.

  3. Middle school and high school age people are the ones store employees are told to keep an eye on because they are most apt to shop lift.  It is very likely that they are only doing what they have been trained to do, especially if you come into the store and just wander around.  

    If you are uncomfortable when you go with you dad, say something to him and ask him to watch the employees to see if he thinks they are doing it to annoy you.  Or you can ask to talk to the manager or have your dad talk to the manager to find out why the employees might be watching you.  

  4. Your telling yourself that they are saying snotty things about you but maybe they're actually saying see him thats who so and so likes.  Then the other one says him? no she could never get him.. and then they laugh at so and so.  

    The point is you don't know what they're saying so stop worrying about it.  Whether they're saying nice things or snotty things it really doesn't effect you.  Just get on with your life and ignore them.

  5. 1) You don't know that they are looking at you

    2) You don't know who they are (So why should you care)

    I have had flaky skin in the past and a girl walked up to me and said "Ew." It made me feel bad. But then I'm not sure why she said it. You don't even know if they are talking to you. You can't worry about people you barley know.  

  6. If I was in this situation, it wouldn't be worth the hassle of going into a place where I felt uncomfortable and belittled. This establishment sounds like a place that doesn't deserve your money anyway. However, if you have to go there because you're with your parents or its your only option, etc. then I would at least ask them what they're talking about, with a big, innocent smile on your face. At the very least you can put them on the spot and make them feel uncomfortable, like they've been doing to you.

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