
Why do people moan about fly-tippers?

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surely if local councils 'wokeup' & realised that half the problem is that people on benefits or tax credits simply cannot afford £25 for 3 items, & maybe do not have transport etc etc, should they then take half of the blame?

they send a van to an estate elsewhere to pick up 'refuse' once a month so why don't they just do it everywhere & stop flipping moaning about keeping britain tidy




  1. Fly tippers are scum. Idle lazy gits that have no respect for the area they live in or the people that live there to. The money wasted clearing up after these morons could provide a free service to the rest of the community. There is no excuse for it whatsoever. Your attitude has the same effect as the stinks. Wake up and think about the childish statement that you have just made then smack yourself repeatedly with a black bag that's as full of s**t as you are.

  2. In order to fly tip in country lanes you need transport. Why can't that transport be used to go to the tip? Generally speaking folk that fly tip are careless and selfish. They want stuff out of their way and don't care who has to put up with it.

    Are you by any chance a fly tipper? You certainly have an attitude!

  3. my council will take up to 5 items, 2 or 3 times in a year for free, yet my neighbour dumped their wardrobe in the front yard in January its still there whats the excuse for that!

  4. Don't really Know?

  5. My dad works for the council and there is a number they can call to request a pick up of waste product.

    Why should the playground my children play on be covered with peoples household rubbish?

  6. I live in the country and people seem to be able find transport to travel to country roads to dump their rubbish.

    These lazy and selfish people make me MAD.

  7. They could introduce concessions for people on benefits I suppose. Speak to your local councillor!

  8. I agree, I hate littering and fly tipping but it is a predicable and predicted consequence of councils cutting back on their refuse collections!

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