
Why do people murder and abuse innocents like children and young teens?

by  |  earlier

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It makes no sense, mothers and fathers and others like to kill either theirs or someone else's children. What is the point of that? Children are not chew toys, but why do some choose to treat them like that? What have they done to deserve this?




  1. This is why people should have to have licenses to have s*x and to have children. People should have to take a test to get the license, and if they fail the test, they can't copulate with anyone. If anybody conceives a child without a conjugation license, the child is put up for adoption at birth, and only licensed persons can adopt.

    Oh, yeah, and one conviction for abuse or neglect means revocation of your license for LIFE.

    I know, it sounds n**i, but it's the only way we're ever going to completely eliminate child abuse.

  2. its a sad and wrong thing and these people are just sick in the head crazy!!!

  3. i want to know the same thing.. hearing  things like that on the news just breaks my heart :(

  4. Most often its a from of getting out their rage or they are enemy's from something that happened in the past,they don't talk to anyone about it so they lash out on someone else that may even look or act or be around the same age as the person they are mad at.

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