
Why do people nag kids when they make huge mistakes, but adults don't get nagged?

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It seems that when an adult goes to jail, nobody is worried, but when a kid goes to jail, they get slapped with whiny rants about their futures. It's not fair. I haven't done any self destructive behavior, but people always expect children to be all squeaky-clean perfect. School this, college that. I don't think that it's fair that kids have to behave perfectly, but adults don't have to. My dad almost got arrested, nobody nagged him, my brother got suspended for signing a petition against a teacher and my parents yelled at him and grounded him for a week. I am 15 years old going to be a sophomore.

If I become an adult, I won't get this annoying until my kid, if I had one messed up. I would just ground him.




  1. I had this talk with my son this morning....:wherever you go, whatever you do, you cannot get away from anger."

    "Someone, someday, somewhere, somehow will get upset with you or your actions." (You can never run away from opposition in life)

    Bosses nag their employees (could be your relative at any age) Wives nag their husbands ...the whole marriage.

  2. Because kids are still at the point where they can be trained and learn good behavior and respectfulness and manners. However, If an adult was never taught appropriate behavior at an early age whatever they grew up with is instilled in them....

    "Teach a child in the way it should go and he will not depart from it."

    Unless....of course they constantly make a consciouse effort

  3. Oh trust me, adults get "nagged" all the time for doing things they shouldn't (or for not doing things they should).  Just ask my husband.  :)

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