
Why do people need to know about Dyslexia?

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Why do people need to know about Dyslexia?




  1. Our alphabet is broken! 1,120 spelling exceptions with 26 letters. We need to fix our alphabet so that it is more regular, particularly at the beginning. My suggestion is that we change our letter names to their best sound, temporarily, while we teach with materials that use this linguistic control to write simple stories. Materials like Dr. Seuss, Sullivan, Bob books. We need to teach reading like Suzuki teaches music, by ear. We want our eyes to listen and our ears to see the letters. We want to "hear" the author talk to us using our eyes to listen. With too many spelling exceptions our eyes don't listen any more. If you have need to practice reading simple materials much slower and give your eyes more time to listen...don't guess..wait for your brain to process listening to each word and build a picture in your mind's eye while you listen! Parker

  2. Who and what do you mean?

    Do you mean people who are not Dyslexia, or people who work with Dyslexia people, or Dyslexia people like me.

  3. People need to be aware that Dyslexia is not caused by stupidity, laziness lack of education etc. Some people have brains that are 'wired' differently, they may be brilliant and often are very creative, but they have difficulty spelling, reading, or both.

    In the past they were made to feel inferior, by teachers and employers.

    If you research into it you will find many incredibly talented people who were Dyslexic. that's why it's important to know about it.

    Today's world with computers and spell checkers it is easier to overcome.

    Others should look beyond the obvious to what someone is trying to communicate.

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