
Why do people never want to mention their salary?

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I'm just wondering why people keep their salary so hidden, even from friends and family. Why do people who bring up money always have to say, "Oh, but you don't have to tell me your salary, I'm just saying...bla bla bla'?




  1. b/c some employers pay more or less for time with the company, experience.  I know that wal mart will pay a different salary for the same position depending on education, experience.

  2. It's private.  They may make less or more than you do or feel like less of a person if their salary is low.  Within a company, comparing salaries can lead to big trouble between employees.  

    And, they don't want you to make a judgement about how they spend their own money and whether they have "too much" and should lend you some.

  3. I don't really get this either maybe its because they're insecure, and worry that they don't make as much as you do and you'll think they're a failure

  4. Because one's salary is also equivalent to one's personal financial "worth" as well as that person's family's financial worth!

    Telling you my salary allows you to judge me and compare...why else would you even ask?

    Telling you my salary allows you to pass judgement on my family.... like maybe my wife can't really afford those clothes based on my salary.  It's none of your business, but once you know, you pass judgement on me and my family.

    If I tell you my salary and we do the same job and I make more than you, it can cause resentment.  You may feel cheated by our boss.

    if I make less than you, then you feel superior...cuz, apparently, you are worth more than me at our job!

    Either way, its NOT good.  Often times those that are paid lower wages, don't have a problem with discussing their pay, as their friends make about the same and it's already common knowledge.

    However, as one climbs the corporate ladder, it can seem like boasting to discuss one's salary.

    In fact, it is ALWAYS considered TACKY and RUDE to discuss one's income or salary with others.  It is personal and NOT appropriate to discuss with others.

    However, most young people are too naive to understand this concept of appropriateness.  Often these same young people don't understand why they are required to wear business clothes to work instead of jeans & flip flops.  It has a lot to do with maturity and knowing what IS appropriate and what is NOT appropriate.

    Asking a person's salary is inappropriate.  That's a fact.  Why?  One's salary is the value of one's worth to his/her company.  Asking what that "value" is, is basically asking that person to allow him/herself to be compared to someone else, publicly!  Like asking a guy what is the exact size of his p***s!.... in front of everyone!  It's PERSONAL!  Do you get it, now?

  5. because people are very quick to judge you based on that

  6. Boy - when you get to money, people get really sensitive.  This is how they measure their worth as a human being - are they making enough money.  And if they're not making enough money then they must be completely worthless!

    And I bet that's why people are so secretive about what they make.  If they say anything  - like an amount - some smartass can always top them by saying he makes more!

    Anyway, it's pretty funny how sensitive people are about this.

  7. Society can often make people feel judged based on their salary, weight, age, wealth, etc..  While we know in our hearts that we are all people of intrinsic self worth, the social pressures to be "successful" or "beautiful" are everywhere.  Thus when you discuss salary, weight, age, wealth, etc, you risk making at least one party in the discussion feel inferior relative to his/her peers.  Your intent may not to cause such a comparison, but it unfortunately happens very often when such topics come up in conversation.

    Bottom line, if you want to show your intrinsic respect for the people around you, it's best to avoid conversations where comparisons may inadvertently make someone feel inferior.

  8. Some people see their money as something very personal and consider it uncouth to discuss such matters in public with mere acquaintences or strangers.

    I have to really know you and trust you for me to reveal such a thing.

  9. Salary   is something you should not divulge.  Although your family members and friends would love to know.  They are curious, about how you can afford your home, car , travel the globe,  and how you make  your money.  

    Within some  Corporations, if you discuss your salary on the job,  this is grounds for termination.  Keep your salary personal.

  10. It's your salary and it's meant to be kept secret.

  11. It's because it is no one else's business but my own.

  12. Cause that's there Business, and no one Else.

  13. Some things are just best kept quiet.  On the one hand, you might make the person you are telling feel bad because he/she does not make that much, and they might get really jealous.  On the other hand, you don't want anyone feeling sorry for you if you make less than they do.  Grams

  14. well because it's a personal matter.  how much you make is your business...  like you don't want them to change how they look on you based on your own money.

    like you don't want them dismissing you if you don't make a lot or you don't want them mooching off of you if you do make a lot.

    or, you might be perfectly happy with how much you make but they'll be like "oh that sucks."

    basically, a person's salary shouldn't be a factor in getting to know them and forming an opinion about them.  plus, it's rude to ask!  it's like... why is it any of your business!?

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