
Why do people not appreciate the innate wit and hilarity of pinky and the brain? why?

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okay so don't be all "stop congesting YA with useless q's." but i am watching it right now, and as an older teen, i feel it is seriously hilarious. my question is, does anyone else remember any boss cartoons/shows from their childhood?

-hello, saved by the bell?!

-loony tunes and other shows worth getting up on a saturday for?




  1. "What we do every night Pinky... try to take over the world"  


    Pinky and the Brain with the rest of the Amimanics was sheer genius!

  2. pinky and the brain pinky and the brain one is a genius the others insane laboratory mice there genes have being spliced there pinky there pinky and the brain brain brain brain BRAIN NARF!

    -favorite childhood television show

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