
Why do people not beleive you if you say you own something expensive? ?

by  |  earlier

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ok.. i own a ferrari

u dont beleive me right?

why is that




  1. Why should it matter if someone believes you or not? If you have it, you have it.  If you don't, then you shouldn't say that you do.

    There will always be those people who are not going to believe a person owns something or has certain experiences...because they filter information through their own personal biases.  Nothing you can do about that.

  2. it usually depends on how you say it....for example if you say it in a concieted cocky tone of voice its just annoying and im not gonna believe you

    or if nobody asked you and your just constantly bragging about it then yea im not gonna believe it either:)

    hope i helped:)

  3. Because one likes to think that in order to own something expensive one must have earned it and it's hard to imagine you earning a Ferrari without knowing how to spell 'believe.'

  4. "a man should not be judged by his money and other capital but by the content of his character". martin luther king jr. said "a man should not be judged by the color of his skin but by the content of his character".

  5. Lots of people go off of looks, if you had a $800 purse, and diamonds all over you and you tell me that then yea I would believe you but if your hair is looking all crazy and your wearing dirty shoes or something like that, then naw

  6. yeah I ...ummm...I would not tell ppl this.

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