
Why do people not have a look on search engines first?

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Which is alot quicker and reliable.

I mean before asking dumb questions which can be found in a second




  1. Some people prefer opinion to fact

  2. Idleness

  3. utter lazyness

  4. Because I can trust yahoo answers not to give me viruses and get answers to many different questions!

  5. Is'nt this the whole point of this site.?

    A friendlier alternative to search engines.And with this madhouse at least you can have some fun ..

  6. Maybe they just like to hear what other people think like what they think is the more accurate answer!!! I don't know haha thats just what I think!!!

  7. If you type in "Why do people not have a look on search engines first?" into Google it tells you

  8. Haha, I was about to post the same thing.

  9. you're right, blue. i guess there idiots  

  10. Good question.

  11. I don't know mate.

    Someone yesterday poster "how old is Valentino Rossi" i looked on google and found it within literally 20 seconds, there just wasting 5 points.

  12. It's personal choice and it's more fun to ask on here.. also you get some good links to sites that don't come up on googles top page or any search engine !

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