
Why do people not let you play some sports because you are a girl?

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last year i went into grade 9and wanted to play rugby. So I tried go for the rugby team in Bracebridge and they had a meeting that they wanted new people to come. I went to all the practices and most of the practices where in the mornings and i lived out side of town so i had to get up at 6:ooam to make it there by the help of my parents. So when it came to play rugby the coach we had would only play the senior girls and that meant the junior girls could not play. But the coach would only let us play in the tournaments. I got to plat 3 games but I played in 3 half’s. When I played in these 3 half’s that’s when I realised I wanted to play rugby. I want to thank this coach for this propriety for letting me play in that tournament .

This year I moved to Creemore and I am going to Stanyer and I am in grade 10. Stanyer has a boys rugby team .and there was a meeting at are school for the boys rugby team and there where someone girls that want to play so me and a few other girls wanted to talk to there coaches to ask if we could have a team this year. But they said that we would have to weight a year to start a team. And my wanting another year I will be in grade 11and some of the other girls that want to play may not be here next year.

Even though I am not playing spring now I am currently working out at the gym at my high school. And even though I am not playing for my high school I am looking to play for Georgian Bay Titans.




  1. The thing is if the schools current rugby coach is male, this presents some problem in training girls. As rugby is a contact sport, if a girl gets hurt a male coach my law cannot touch the female, not even to make sure their o.k. This means extra female staff are required who are trained in first aid. I am part of a womens team and when we first started out this law posed a number of problems. However keep trying, and show that there is popular support for the sport among the girls.

  2. Atleast your school is considering having a girls team...mine wouldn't consider having ANY rugby team. Thing is, rugby isn't a very popular sport here so perhaps they didn't have enough people to commit to getting a team together for girls, round up as many people as you can that will take a stand...get active and get persistant, that's the way things get done. It's not so much that they won't let you play because you're a girl, there just isn't a team formed yet for girls at your school. And as a female rugger, let me tell you, yes, we are tough, yes we can hit very hard but I wouldnt never want to play in a rugby game with guys. This would be a HUGE disadvantage to the girl in that they would hit you harder OR a huge disadvantage to the other team in that they would be afraid to hit you, just depending. Give it're at a huge advantage where you are in that you are experiencing rugby early...I didn't learn what it was till college. Keep it up and you'll be fine :)

  3. some people are biased and dont think girls are tough enough and some girls arent just depends most are tough enough though

  4. there is actually a few girls on my rugby team. they just practice seperetly when we do tackling drills.

  5. there are 2 simple things 2 this... the 1st is that ppl dont like 2 c girls getting hurt, i have no problem with girls playing every sport as long as they no the consequences that they may get hurt, if not seriously hurt..

    the 2nd is that many guys especially don't like 2 c chicks playin a sport and doin it better than them.. so maybe its an inferiority complex thing

    i dono u decide...

  6. It's because they think girls are not tough enough to play rugby.Maybe their insurance policy dosen't cover girls. Why don't you look for an all girls team?

  7. As a past womens rugby coach at a university in Wales(Bangor) . even considering that the main sport in wales is rugby there were only just enough girls interested (including non students) to get a team together. We had to travel round northern England just to get matches. so it is not a case of not letting girls play rugby(over here at least) it is a case of not enough demand from girls to make the idea of a team viable. I now live just north of London where there are 6 Womens teams i know of within 15miles of me but in comparrison there are 29 i know of and some i am sure i do not.

  8. Is there an established girls league where your school competes in?  Usually that is the biggest obstacle in fielding a girl's team. Lack of available participants or competition.

    In the US there is Title IX (9) which basically said all schools with public funding has to provide equal opportunity for both sexes to participate in school activities.

    Lack of willing participants however, is something that cannot be mandated by law.  Even though there are more and more girls involved in sports activities nowadays, the norms and culture bias against girls doing sports are still slow to evolve.

    Not sure if that is what you are up against, but at least for US girls, opportunity is available for girls teams they just need to want to do it.  :)

  9. Well!...Where do we start?.....They probably don't understand you...not if you applied in writing anyway.

    Get stuck into your studies and work on your English until you can write a letter folks understand....then ask them the meantime, you're really not missing anything

  10. I think it is hilarious that people think that girls aren't tough enough - in my experience the girls' matches are a LOT more violent than the mens' ones! We were going into town as a team, and the taxi driver told us that girls couldn't play rugby and that we were better off at home doing flower arranging! I say do what you love and s***w anyone who tries to stop you - what right have they got?

  11. my family is rugby rugby rugby mad and so naturally i wanted to play rugby, so we went about seeing if the local team that my brother played fro took girls and they did.. until they were 12 years old, so my parents for some reason decided to not add me to the team, dont know why thougyh i should ask them

    anyway when i was 17 i heard about there being a womens rugby league where i went to college and i was asked by them to come and play, doesnt matter about experience.. only problem was that it was 1hr 30mins form home and i didnt have time to travel all that way 2 times a week

    so finally when i was 18 i got to uni, and the 2nd day i was there i ran straight to the athletics union and signed up for womens rugby adn it is the best thing ever!! well it was until i dislocated my shoulder and havnt been able to play this season and need an operation now! but i dont care..

    but still ive got what i want and everyone sniggers at mesaying im playing a mans game, but why can it only be men who play it?! women play soccer and men can play netball so its daft..

    though i do understand with rugby that it is a highly physical game and many people think its wrong that girls should get injured, and also not many girls want to get injured and therefore you cant get numbers up to create a team

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