
Why do people not respect semi trucks on the road?

by Guest59874  |  earlier

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I am a professional truck driver. More and more I see drivers of cars cutting me off, passing me on the right, and other such dangerous things. So what gives? Do people not understand that cars weigh only about 5000lbs. My truck averages 78,000 lbs when I am loaded. That kind of weight does not stop on a dime.




  1. Semi's might be running to fast, but not any faster than most cars.

    If car drivers respected trucks then their might be less accidents, most accidents occur because cars "jump" in front of semis and then throw on the brakes...expecting a semi w / 20+ tons on board to stop on a dime is just dumb.

    I agree that before you bad talk truckers you should be in their seats...I'm not a truck driver, but I was taught to respect them when I started driving.

  2. AJ... it's a question that will probably go unanswered for the next millenium...  

    Unfortunately, most of the motoring public see us as obsticles in the way of their speedy voyage to someplace totally unimportant.  Like Shannon voiced, it's not just here in the US, but more than likely a world-wide problem.  In our society now days, everyone is in such a big hurry to get nowhere that they will endanger themselves as well as anyone in their path just to get where they are going.  

    Like you, I have seen a lot of stupid things done by motorist around a truck.  They don't seem to understand that it takes a truck over 450 feet to stop from 55 mph... a car will do it in a little over a 100 feet.  Granted, we are slow.... off the line, but once we are rolling, most trucks now days will maintain the posted speed limit with no problem.  

    I'm sure you have seen all the ignorant answers on this website regarding getting the trucks off the road because they are a hazard to the motoring public...  What they bozo's don't understand is our economy is centered around transportation of goods.... and it makes no difference what it is.  Someone mentioned that the train no longer goes to the grocery story or your front door...   The world cannot function in the capacity we have become acustom, without trucks.  They are simply a fact of life....

    If anyone has an issue with a truck or driver... then report them to the police or their company with a valid complaint.  There are bad apples in every basket...  but most of us are out there trying to make a living... and support our families.  

    I think what it comes down to is they hate us because we are something they don't understand and don't care to take the time to find out that we are people too.  As they say.... Ignorance is Bliss...   Must be a bunch of happy fools....  :-}

    Safe and happy motoring...  and don't let them get ya...

  3. Im a truck driver too and I think people just dont understand how long it takes for a truck to stop. And YES we do hate when you tailgate us, you arent going to save a lot of money doing it so STOP

  4. As a truck driver I've been in some pretty serious situations with drivers of 4-whlrs not paying attention. I've always said that when people get their license they should have a special course on sharing the hwy with semi's. But since they won't pass that law, we are looking at risking our lives more and more every day. It's bad enough we have to contend with weather and road conditions, construction, congestion to add stupidity too the mix makes an explosive situation.

  5. AJ,  I  too am a driver,  and have come to the conclusion that people don't respect trucks for only one simple reason.......................


  6. I agree AJ. I think people now days are rude to truck drivers. People in cars don't think when they drive they just drive. It seems that no matter what we do there are still stupid drivers out there that never get the point. It's like even though they cut the truck off they think that it's not their fault. It's sad because it's like there is nothing we can do about this.

  7. personally, i respect any vehicle that weighs 15 times more than mine.

    and there is a ton of dumb people on the road.

    but anywho, quick question.

    do truck drivers really hate it when people ride them to save on gas?

  8. really a professional truck driver

    are those real or are you making it up cause for all i know there are truck drivers and crappy truck drivers

    the reason people pass you is cause you truck drivers are to d**n slow on the roads and no one wants to get stuck behind a slow truck driver

  9. I agree with AJ also.

    I know how you feel.

    Same reason for public buses.

    For example, in NY. I have experience about six-seven times while ridding the bus or waiting for bus.

    1. One time I was standee on crowded hybrid bus going northbound on street called Springfield Blvd. As it was approaching Atlantic Av, crazy female driver in car made careless illegal right turn.

    2. Before transit agency called MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority taking over private bus lines which operate in Queens. I was on that bus and bus was about to turning right onto eastbound lane when black car came popping out carelessly from gas station on right side, almost sending passengers to dashboard.

    3. In town called White Plains, New York, I was near store driveway, waiting for Bee-Line bus. When not-in service was going Route 119 (Tarrytown Rd) westbound, careless trailer truck came out of driveway immediately, almost causing that bus to crash, but he stop in time.

    Buses also weight same pounds as trucks and drivers does not care about trucks and buses which they are very hard to stop.

    In fact, express bus on Manhattan highway called FDR Drive going southbound lost control of wheel, sending 20 passengers sending flying.

    According to news report, they think bus driver was trying to avoid ahead car changing lane that might have been caused of terrible accident.

  10. I guess I'm not really answering your question but come to the same conclusion in Australia, I think people identify the fact that the Truck is slower on the take off and don't want to be slowed down by this and missing the fact that that is the same in reverse when slowing ,slow to do I have grown up in the Transport Industry and have seen some very nasty stuff where people didn't get away with there actions, seems to me that it is a Global problem that people don't have enough eduction about trucks and the like, people just hate trucks and don't understand that they have to live with them for there is no other system of delivery as effective trains don't stop at supermarkets or your front door

  11. I think it's because of the attitude that some (not all) truck drivers have- "my vehicle is bigger and heavier than yours, so you'd better get out of my way". I hate to say it, but it's been my experience. I always give more than enough space between me and any trucks (so I can see their mirrors), never pass on the right, if they signal, I always let them over in front of me, blink my lights to let them know they can get over, etc. Basically, I'm  very courteous driver and am rarely in a hurry. I often have trucks tailgating me (especially in snow/ ice), driving in the left lane too slowly (where it is posted that they should be in the right 2 lanes) and they cut me off (when the exit they need on the left isn't for 5 miles and there's no traffic behind me). It doesn't happen all the time, but enough for me to be leery of semi drivers.

    Plus they like to honk and carry on when they see a lady driving in a skirt or tank top. Then they start playing games trying to speed up and slow down, etc. to see you. It's annoying!

  12. Kids are getting worse and worse on and off the road. My dad drove for 20 years so I know what your going through.

    They probably don't care if you have to stop quickly, they're obvlivious to anyone but themselves. There should be questions like this in the drivers test.

    I though you truckies were a tough bunch? Get out and give 'em a smack around the chops, that'll teach 'em.

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