
Why do people not take me seriously because I'm short?

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I'm sick of people treating me like a baby because I'm short and soft spoken.

How can i get them to take me seriously?




  1. Always act maturely and be authoritative. People will definitely notice your grown up attitude. Use a loud, commanding voice when necessary. Never be a doormat. Just remember, Napoleon was short and look at how accomplished he was!

    You are not short-- just fun-sized.

  2. Act mature and responsible. Make sure to not be gullible or naive. I used to b like that and im short and i had the same problem...its hard being petite and short!

  3. try acting more mature

  4. Do not let them bother you. You need to continue like you have been just ignore all the negative comments. You are a beautiful person inside and it sounds like you are a strong minded, good hearted person.

    Keep on going!

  5. try speaking in a deepr voice..just a tone or two deeper and it might cant change ur height (unless you get those shoes with hidden high soles, they are on the net, or wear high heels). I look young for my age and even tho I am 23 (5 yrs over the legal age to drink) I still get ID'd all the frigging time.

    But I notice that if I speak in a deeper voice, it happens far far less often.

    Also, appear confident and ppl will be forced to take u more seriously!

    Hope it helps!

    Also, light colour hair is associated with youth, and ppl dont take the young as seriously. U could dye urs darker? But it would be a drastic step. I am blonde at the moment but am going to go dark soon, I cant be interesting to see if men treat me any differently too, as being blonde some men assume u will welcome their attention, even if its aggressively sexual (as in shouting "give us a blow*****"), and can treat u like a bimbo.

  6. Because they think, they can boss you about, because your smaller, and seem weaker than they do!

    So they beleive they do not have to listen or take into account what you want, or say!

    Alot of short people, have short man syndrome!

    Were they feel everyone takes them for a joke, and unserious!

    But dont seem you hva ethat problem!

    Alot of people will say, it's because your short, and you think they dont take you seriously!

    But there wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You need to stand up, and say,  im serious, i aint joking around!

  7. Just change your demeanor and accept your stature, you still have some years to grow.  Many females are full grown, at this height.

    You can be assertive and no nonsense, without being belligerent or rude.  Look people in the eye and tell them in no uncertain terms that you mean business and expect to be taken seriously.  Your body language, choice of words and how you carry yourself, makes a big difference in the way you are treated.

    You are not the first to complain, many shorter people do complain about the fact that they are taken less seriously, people pay less attention to them, and they tend to feel shy in social situations.

  8. Most of the people I know that are shorter in stature are more outspoken.  I think they channel the irritation of being treated differently and use that to get their voice out louder and be more opinionated.  The ones I know that are quieter have just accepted things as they are, and are confident that they are very adult and knowledgeable, and only share themselves with those lucky enough to notice them for more than their physicality.  

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