
Why do people not vaccinate their children?

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There are still strains of the diseases that children should be vaccinated against all over the world. It is just a matter of time before those illness infect non-vaccinated children here. It is a very scary thought. I just wonder what motivates people not to vaccinate.




  1. People belive too much in "well back in the day they werent vaccinated and they were just fine."  When in reality, since "back in the day" people were getting sick and dying at fairly young ages and nobody knew why.  Now-a-days they have discovered those diseases and ways to prevent them, but parents still think "well other people survived without them."  

    Also people tend to think that it causes autism, which the scientist studying autism have already came out and said vaccines have nothing to do with autism.  What happened was a family had gotten their baby vaccinated then after the shots, their baby was diagnosed with autism, so they decided to blame vaccinations and thats what got people started on being against vacc. People tend to be gulible and believe everything they read.

  2. I will vaccinate my children but I will make sure that all of the vaccines I get are mercury free and will do one or two at a time instead of 4.

    The reason people do not vaccinate their children is because they have done research which shows that vaccines contain mercury (25 milligrams, tuna fish has 0.12 milligrams). Anyways people confuse autism with mercury poisoning and therefore think that vaccines cause autism, which it does not - it CAN cause mercury poisoning, which can be reversed with proper diet and nutrition, but most don't know this. Also, the people who choose not to vaccinate their children don't realize that there are hospitals that do not use mercury - but you have to do extensive questioning and research to make sure that the place you go to does not use this.

    Doctors have diagnosed more children than ever with Autism 1 in 153 vs 1 in 10,000 in 1970. I believe that this is a misdiagnosis and is actually mercury poisoning, not Autism.

    Also, some vaccines have caused death in children, making people afraid of them.

    Also, they have strings of the virus in them, if the child's body can't handle it, they end up contracting the disease which it was trying to prevent.

    (edit) vaccines are only required of high school aged children where I am from in the Northeast US. And only Hepatitis and Tetanus shots.

  3. some people dont believe in western medicine. Which means modern science...because back in the day, there werent any vacines and people still survived. Well, times change and society changes, too bad a lot of people are ignorant. my sis in law is like that, believes in the old ways which is good..but i feel bad for the kids because they are always sick and arent very healthy with today's life

  4. There are many reasons I choose not to vaccinate my children. My first, now 4, is vaccinated to 2 years, something I do regret but luckily he had no ill effects. My second, now 18 months, is completely vaccine free, as will be my future children.

    I made this decision after extensive research, and my decision has nothing to do with the Autism theory(which I myself am not even fully convinced in). There is a lot more to concern over vaccinations than the Autism theory.

    These are a few reasons I do not vaccinate:

    A person would not normally contract 5 diseases at one time naturally, yet at 2, 4 and 6 mth. visits a baby is injected with five vaccines.

    There is no proof that vaccines are responsible for the decline in certain diseases - improved sanitation, medical care and less crowding may also have contributed to the decline in certain diseases. Most diseases decreased by over 95% BEFORE the introduction of vaccines.

    By vaccinating children, many cases of certain diseases (ex. measles, chicken pox) have now shifted to the adult population where the disease is often more serious and debilitating.

    Vaccines have not been tested for any possible carcinogenic (cancer causing), teratogenic (gene altering) effects or their effects on the reproductive system (it says this right in the product inserts from the manufacturers).

    Vaccines are not 100% effective so the child can still get the disease even if they are vaccinated and a child can actually get a disease sometimes from the vaccine if it is a live vaccine.

    After researching many of the diseases(like measles, mumps and polio), I found they are not as scary as the media hyped them to be, especially for a healthy immune system. Example: Polio is 90% asymptomatic.

    The same amount of vaccine that is given to a 4 yr. old is given to an 18 mth. old and a 2 mth. old, etc.

    I beleive the chance of dying or getting a serious side effect from the actual disease is much less than the chance of dying or getting an adverse reaction from the vaccine. The dieseases are not dangerous or deadly in most people.

    I believe that injecting my children with things such as formaldehyde, mercury (trace amounts), aluminium, paint thinner, coolant, anti-freeze, detergent phenols, MSG, plus dead animal tissue, aborted fetus tissue, mutated human and animal viruses, bacteria, antibiotics and animal, bacterial and viral DNA, is not particularly a good idea.


    And it is not required by law to vaccinate! The only laws in place pertain to school admittance, and even those have exemptions. All states offer medical exemptions, all but 2 offer religious(no proof of religious affiliation needed), and 18 states offer philosophical exemptions.


    It is not child neglect. What a ridiculous and ignorant statement.


    Kater- My information comes straight from the package inserts themselves. They are termed "human diploid cells".

    I have seen the rare polio complications, but I have done enough research to know that serious complications are rare.

  5. Because they read researchers who are questionable doctors at best. These doctors do correlational studies on vaccines and Autism and may have found some link between vaccines and a child with Autism, but they have ignored the most important fact of all on a correlational study and that is none of the research will show if the vaccine caused Autism or that the Autism was already there long before the vaccine was introduced to the child.

    The only thing that I can think of on why a parent should not vaccinate their child is on a flu vaccine or the cancer vaccine that they were trying to force in Texas. Another example of why a parent shouldn't vaccinate is if the child has an allergic reaction to the vaccine.

    I personally believe if someone chooses not to vaccinate against diseases such as the measles, mumps, rubella, Heptatitis's, etc...that they are taking a huge risk of these diseases infecting their child. Especially since the invention of these vaccinations the diseases they prevent have literally disappeared! So, I don't get why any parent would want to run the risk of a child getting these terrible diseases.

    If anyone has done research on Autism they would find that as a baby the child showed symptoms of it long before the child gets any vaccinations. To me Autism is a progressive disease meaning that the symptoms develop as the child ages and it starts from birth. Vaccinations do not cause Autism. Also, keep in mind there are varying forms of Autism from high functioning to severely dehabilitating.

  6. I think the answer is very simple.  Fear and ignorance.   I too have done internet research on vaccines.  Most of the sources against vaccines report with flawed studies, or with no explanation of how they came to their findings.  I choose to trust people like the CDC, who allow vaccines to be given, after careful, fully published studies.  I won't pretend to understand everything it says, but I will trust that my pediatrician who has spent 11 years studying and 20 years in practice does.

  7. Well just a quick fyi, its required by law to get vaccinations for children. Some aren't required until your child goes to school, but in oreder for them to go to school, you need proof of the vaccinations, so the only way out of it is to keep ur kid out of school, i spose some people may do it, but they are probably wacked out of their minds crazy anyhow to keep their kids out of school anyway and shouldnt have been parents.

  8. Some people don't believe that the risk of catching the disease is large enough to warrant vaccinating, or they object to the ingredients of the vaccines.  

    Some believe that the vaccines are not safe, that they can either cause autism or trigger it in susceptible children.

    Some don't want the government telling them what they can and can't do with their children.

    My kids? They're vaccinated.  I don't have to worry about them being sick from those childhood diseases.  If someone doesn't want to vaccinate, that's their choice really - if their child gets ill from a disease, then that's what happens.


    About the 'aborted fetal tissue' - the two cell strains which were cultured for creating the vaccine were indeed removed from a fetus - in 1961. The fetus had been aborted for other reasons (than cell cultivations) and were not aborted by researchers.

    The cells they removed were allowed to grow and reproduce - the cells they use today are the great X100000 - granddaughters of those original cells.  They do not continue to abort fetuses to make vaccines.

  9. They buy into conspiracy theories and scary stories without checking out the research themselves.

    The internet is a great tool---but some people will believe ANYTHING.

  10. arrogance

    simple people have over blown ideas about there own importance, they think there making a fabulas statement if they dont get there children vaccinated, frankly its child neglect.

  11. I've known people who not only don't vaccinate, but try to avoid almost any medical treatment. There are plenty of people out there who believe wholeheartedly that vaccines are linked to autism. The mostly point to the increase in the number of vaccines given and to the increase in childhood autism diagnoses. Some say that their children were just fine until they received this or that vaccine, them something changed.

    The real reason for the increase in autism diagnoses is because more disorders are now classified under the umbrella of autism. Studies have found no increase in autism in groups of children injected with vaccines containing the suspect thimerasol v. those without thimerasol.

    It is probably impossible to suggest to a mother who believes her child's autism was caused by the thimerasol in vaccines otherwise. However, anecdotal evidence can be powerfully persuasive to everyday people, those outside of the scientific community. Take Jenny McCarthy, who fiercely contested on the Larry King Live program the notion that vaccines did not cause her son's autism. The clip made rounds on YouTube and everywhere else, with Ms. McCarthy wagging her finger in the researcher's face and telling him off.

    I have to say that my children get all of their vaccines. But if one of my children suddenly had a major shift in behavior and capacity after receiving a vaccine, I would be concerned too. However, anecdotal evidence does not make for sound scientific conclusion. Should people be jailed for not vaccinating their children? I don't think so. But then again, where do we draw the lines when it is a matter of public safety and one could argue that it is neglectful not to protect your children from all of these terrible diseases which can be so easily prevented.

    P.S. to the mother who thinks that vaccines are made with the tissue of aborted fetuses, where do you get your information? That cannot be true. Once there was a similar rumor that cosmetics companies used aborted fetuses in manufacturing shampoos and lotions. Completely illegal in the U.S. and I would have to guess in many other countries. You might want to do more "research" into more credible sources. Have you seen children with Polio in third world countries? The principal of my middle school had polio, and he was a parapalegic.

  12. cuz they can caues issures, not talking autisum but high feavers witch can lead to mental issues and i know personslly 2 childrren who died from a reaction to them.. and most (not all) but most only last 10 years... all that mercury (preservative) cat be good for the body/system..

    and in the usa its rare to get rebella/mumps/measeles...  And i feel its good to have chicken pox naturaly...

    so thats why for me

    EDIT: you can get a waver to send unvacanated kids to school/day care...  my mom did with me and i have one filled out ready to go if i need daycare..  witch i dont at the momet

  13. I have no children, but if I did, I would not vaccinate them for the same reason I don't get them.  I don't believe in needles unless it is absolutely necessary.  Making the wallets fat for all the CEO's of pharmaceutical companies is not a necessity.  

    I guess you fell of the "hard sell" didn't you.  You see I grew up in poverty.  Today I am 42, and work a white collar job.  I didn't get were I am today by purchasing everything that some ad said I needed. That is why I don't own any Nike shoes, or any computer with Windows Vista installed.

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