
Why do people not walk to school/work?

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Most people would say: " its too cold - the car is quicker

but no - useally walking/cycleing is much quicker

Obesity is rising - why don't the parents and their children walk/cycle to school - its great foe socializing and their excersize.

Why does it always have to be car car the car...?

there is so much traffic - they/you are the traffic...

So please think about walking or cycling to school/work....or anywhere

yes you can still use your car but .........its great for you, the enviroment - and say if you have a stiff, back - if you walk - your back will become better....

Too many people are using their cars - Walk to school/work - give it a try - it might be better than you think..




  1. 20 miles is a pretty hefty walk to work.  No bus or train routes...... things may be different in other countries.... but long distances to work and school are commonplace.

  2. Most people don't actually live within a practical walking distance from work, for one.  I know a ton of people who drive 30+ miles one way -- I can't blame them for not wanting to walk that twice a day, every day.  (You might ask why they don't just move, but that'd often mean their spouse then has to drive the same long distances instead -- no net gain.)  School. . . maybe that actually works for walking, since you're usually just sent to the school building nearest your house.  I know a lot of schools here won't even pick you up with a bus if you're less than 1 or 3 miles away (depending on your grade level) from school.

    Bicycles. . . in a lot of my area, that's taking a pretty big risk since it's just not a common enough practice for most drivers to be used to noticing you.  Some parts of where I live now do actually have bike lanes, but a) this is the first place I've lived that actually has any and b) they're still largely ignored by drivers unless they actually see someone.  Being seen definitely isn't always a guarantee, even in this alleged "bike-friendly" community.

    Option #3 that you left out that at least *helps*:  public transportation.  We do have a bus system that several people use. . . it just takes a long time for one to come around and pick you up (usually ranges from 20-50 minutes between buses, depending on the time of day).  It seems to take about twice as long for me to get between work and home than if I just drive it myself, and the pick-up/drop-off locations do still require some additional walking on top of that.  It's quite good in a pinch, but I still prefer my own car.

  3. Where I live it is almost always faster to drive. My 20 mile commute to work usually takes 30 minutes, whereas as walking would be at least 4 hours. I MIGHT be able to cycle but it would still take at least twice as long and I wouldn't feel very comfortable on a number of the roads.

  4. It's too far.

    It's too cold in the winter.

    It's too wet when it rains.

    I would be too tired when I get there to do any work.

  5. I walk to school with my son and a friend and her son and daughter every morning...the kids love it.....I also walk most places as i dont own a car  (by choice)....I think that society has become lazy and relies on the convenience of driving are right....its great excersise and is good for the environment...In Australia we have a national walk to school/work day every year which a lot of people participate in.......

  6. People do not walk to school or work because they've become spoiled & lazy. They don't do time management well, so walking would be out of the question. Then if you live in the city & ride your bike or walk you need to be worried about getting creamed or mugged. A vehicle offers more of a sense of security. That's the sad truth.

  7. maybe, ther school or work is too far, they will get tired or maybe, their like super late at work. Or, because of peer pressure, many people now are using the car because its the latest transportation that a normal person could buy, sometimes, its really peer pressure or they want people to notice them or something

  8. Agree with you 100% on that one I walk to work and home from work most days (if its pouring with rain or a gale, as it some times is in Scotland I'll get the train).  It annoys me that people moan about the price of petrol and moan about not being able to find a parking space and say they are putting on weight and have no time to exercise - you do!!!  Even if you live too far from work to walk, take public transport and get off a stop early, you'll save another car being on the road AND get some exercise which makes you feel physically and mentally better!

  9. Cars make life easier. Faster, more efficient in terms of transportation. And being in high school, a lot of kids think it's "cool" to drive, and do it for that reason alone.

    People are lazy to walk. Either it's too cold, too hot, too far from somewhere, or too weird. It's just how society has evolved to: dependency on machines.

    I walk, really because I can't drive yet and I enjoy the silence.

  10. agreed! i walk to school every day rain or shine because i live just round the corner from the school.  most people make the excuse that they are late and the car is quicker - answer: get up earlier, and organise the kids better! as a childminder, i often walk six or seven children to school.  it takes time gathering shoes, coats, gloves, lunchboxes - but we always walk and are never late.  the congestion on the high street is horrendous and i see people in cars who live by me, literally round the corner from the school! crazy!

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