
Why do people of no means?...?

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Why is it when someone of little or no means, as soon as they latch onto a person with money, feel it is ok to put down people who are in the same position as they use to be. Is this what is known as Euro trash?




  1. Money talks,and bullsh*t walks!

  2. Maybe this explains the saying, "The higher you get, the smaller you look to those on the ground!"

  3. I don't know. I don't think highly of people that do that because I think hypocrite, insanely so. Obviously they are trying to distance themselves from who they are. Why? I don't see any shame in the truth and where you come from. But thinking more about this, I have seen it. I just move on. I don't hang out with these types. Why? I prefer people that are down to earth and don't feel the need to impress you or to put others down. Isn't there enough to talk about? Isn't there something better to discuss? We are all human after all.  

  4. I don't know about Euro trash, but I think it's a little thing I like to call stupidness.  How much money you have or had has little bearing on what's important - your character.

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