
Why do people of of other culters and nations haves such a hard time driving on our canadian roads?

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Why do people of of other culters and nations haves such a hard time driving on our canadian roads?




  1. We have every culture where I live in Calif.  Some cultures I truly think have really bad vision.  They look right at you and still make a lane change when they notice they're almost hitting the side of your car,oops!  Also, some people are just plain rude, and they don't care where you are or what you are doing, they just cut in front of you like you aren't there, it's odd, I can't figure them out.  Drive defensively, not offensively, or like my friend said "drive around and think to yourself, every one on the freeway is blind or unaware."  She has never had an accident.  She's about 57 years old.

  2. I have driven thousands of miles in Canada, and have never had a problem with your roads. With the exception that gas stations in Canada sell fuel by the quart (litre), and speed limits are in KPH, it's just like driving in the USA

  3. ignorance of the laws, bad drivers.

  4. Speaking for me, I, like Jetdoc, have no problem with the roads of our northern neighbor.  Cars and motorcycles are equipped with mph and kph speedos.  Not to defend bad driving, but if you live out west it is hard not to look at the gorgeous scenery.  Lots of beautiful country in the land of the Maple Leaf.  But as I said, there is never a good reason for bad driving.  Sad we have so many bad, unskilled drivers loose on the roads today.  One reason that just popped up concerns where some of these bad drivers call home.  Perhaps some of the bad drivers are used to driving on the left, such as the folks from England.  Just a thought.

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