
Why do people on Y!A all ways seem to agree with parents?

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For example, you can say your parents beat the c**p out of you everyday. You would have at least 3 answerer's saying that "you deserved it".




  1. I have yet to see a post from a child on here that does not prove the child is very immature for their age!!

    Trying to grow up to early is stupid.  Worse in many respects is that children's posts fully illustrate that if they want to be treated as responsible let alone as trainee adults they have to act like it!!

    Raising and caring for a child is a heavy responsibility made worse when children of a certain age rebel and stamp their feet.

    Parents should get respect and help and then the same will flow back to you!

    You want respect - then earn it!!

  2. as a rule..parents have lived it..seen it..done we are smarter than the average teenager who aint done anything but thinks they know it all

    I dont condone beating your child..and would never say I do

    but wisdom does come with age!! You will find that about in 30 years or so :P

  3. believe it or not your parents are always right, you will realize that as you get older.

  4. the ones that agree most likely are parents lol

  5. That is totally stupid, to say the least.  NO child deserves to get the c**p beaten out of them.  That's considered Child Abuse, and that is not right.

  6. Can you cite some examples?

    I mean, would you be kind enough to put links to the questions where " can say your parents beat the c**p out of you everyday. You would have at least 3 answerer's saying that "you deserved it"..."?

    If you just post statements on here without proving what you're saying is true, you'll get a bunch of equally random answers.

    Also, I suspect if someone says that one deserved the punishment they got, the asker must have provided enough details to convince the answerer that the punishment *was* deserved.

    So, we look forward to you showing us what you're talking about. Tell us what questions you mean.


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