
Why do people on Yahoo! answers try to insult republicans by referring to their Bibles?

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Is it because they believe that a person's religion shouldn't be factored into whether or not they are able to make good judgements?




  1. Good Question,personally,I lean more towards the democratic side.But,one should not discriminate against religion,it's a low tactic against republicans,not ALL republicans are even conservatives,or religious! people need to educate!

  2. It is because republicans tend to be the religious group, but many of their policies go against the bible. Just like people insult democrats for being socialist and communist.

  3. We are all into this together.




    WITHIN ONES OWN SELF.................Moving Forward.............

    We that follow the Holy Bible

    Follow the.........."Wisdom of the Ages"!

    We Christians are the biggest Givers in the world!

    We are the biggest volunteer group in the world!

    We are the biggest lovers of humans that ever existed!

    There is no reason to be "insulted"....

    Christians participate in all aspects of government ..............

    And are Both Democrat & Repulican & Other.

    If we Follow in the Person of Christ.....................................

    We won't go far wrong!

  4. umm...never noticed that; and to be republican doesn't necessarily have anything to do with reading bibles ...

  5. I insult ALL politicians whether democrap, repubican, communist, marxist, n**i, little green man from mars, indie whatever, they ALL lie, cheat, steal, perpetrate war and poverty.  Serve only the self and big business and the wealthy, the rest of us are glorified indentured servants......thumbs down because you still want to be a victim of the crumbling political system.....more thumbs down for me....looooooove it!!!!!!!!!  And your politicians are still liars cheats and thieves and war mongers.  Like it when they pay for their whores with your tax dollars?

  6. I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. However, I will say that  if they are going to claim moral superiority due to their religion, they should really, truly practice it or become objects of criticism and a joke. They have also used their religion as an excuse to say some terrible things about other people. I have observed that many of them are more tolerant of the sins they feel more comfortable with.

  7. Post a link to the insults.

  8. I have never seen anyone do that.

  9. I don't get that from what I see.

  10. Public schools as well as universities and the arts have disdain for God and are teaching our youth to hate and mock God and religion.

  11. I've been told I can't possibly be a republican and an atheist.

  12. It is because people who bash republicans referring to the bible, bash it because they see the Bible as the moral judge of their lives. They see the Bible and see how wrong they are living their lives. They feel that the Bible is the only thing standing in the way of a better America and one without morals. Because of this, many people despise the Bible and its teachings.

  13. Nobody should use God's word to insult anybody. That is such disrespect!! I don't know why people do that.

  14. I agree with you so all I will say is Good Question!

  15. Sure it's an insult?

    Decode this lyrics "YMCA"

    Not shaking and waking on what one miss out.

    From our creator's universal communication system.

    When one too came from the same school.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  16. Some people on Y/A insult, just to insult. Doesn't matter if it is about religion or politics or how to raise your corn, there are plenty of insulter's to go around.

  17. "Meanwhile, both Obama and Clinton claim to be regulars at their church....."

    Yeah, and we all know the kind of church Obama picks - it's the kind that hates America and white people in general!

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