
Why do people on answers trys to divide people on political lines , con or lib are they the new insurgents?

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face it we need to come together to get our GOV to do right so why do people try to divide us all with their crazy DEM or REP rhetoric are we not all on the same team???????




  1. cause some ppl just like to make prollems.

    Go to              !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    the monkey who lives in your water heater

  2. Same country.  Different beliefs and views.

  3. it's called generalizing. It means they're too lazy to type out the words "some", "a few", and "many".

    But after all that ranting and insulting others in their long-winded summaries... their fingers are probably pretty tired!

  4. I agree.  These radical labelists are the real terrorists.  We should declare war on them!!

    (Either that or we could just do our own politics and just ignore the annoying gits.)

  5. you can only be divided if you allow it

  6. divide & conquer. the politicians know what they are doing.

  7. Our congress is playing the same games as the people on answers.  I can understand high school kids playing this game, but the people responsible for representing our country should have the best interests of the country at heart whether they are democrats or republicans and stick to the very pressing issues that demand their attention.  They need to base their decisions on facts.  Many of them seem to have lost their way and seem very frustrated with the lack of results.

  8. This Dem or Rep rhetoric goes back to the days of the message boards on news stories. You'd have a story about The creator of Porky Pig  passing on, and half the posts would be politically motivated. How they got George (Dubya) Bush out of "Porky Pig" is anyone's guess.

  9. No I don't think we are the new insurgents.

    I think those that are frightened by those with courage of their conviction, showing passion when trying to show those of different opinion the error of their ways, are the real traders insurgents among us.

    WE are DIFFERENT and we have passion. Sorry we hurt your "feelings"

  10. Good answer.  It proves you're a Conservative.


    Post Script:  People have different ideas...  it's a matter of comparing ideas and deciding which make the most sense.  I've found that with historical reference Conservatism works best.

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