
Why do people on here come on for attention and to brag about things???

by  |  earlier

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if your one of them, no one cares you fools




  1. You mean no one cares that I earn 150k a year own 3 houses and have a villa in sydney harbour where I have my own jet plane to take me shopping to harrods on tuesdays to buy diamonds just for the fun it?


  2. yeah mabe cuz they need attention mabe they think that nobody cares for them and they are tryin to seek for advice...obviouly!!! i love listening to ppl and i dont mind helpin them out. i like havin to hear what other ppl have to say.

  3. they have no real life, so they come on here and come up with fantastical creations. it psychological really. its like there writing about how they want their life to be. they ask for pic ratings because they have low self esteem. they should really get it together!

  4. My p***s is 8.5 inches.

  5. because there sad and have no life

    nobody on the internet cares what people have to say

  6. They brag because in their real life no one cares what they say or do. This is a forum to ask questions nothing more nothing less. If they want to state opinions and act all bad, then they should just get a blog.

  7. I honestly have no idea... like...they really shouldn't be here.

    lol. And you soooo put this question in the right category.

  8. I dont know man. Its pretty sad if someone comes on the internet to brag. Like anyone here cares.

  9. I´m buying a Porsche but not sure what colour to get.

  10. It's an open forum.  And if you don't like the posts, there are other forums.  :@)

  11. For the lulz.

  12. Not to brag on myself, But I just won 10 grand.........for real! I am buying some scratch tickets tonite!

    I like daisymae, she got class! Marry me!

  13. Am I cute?

  14. I'm not sure what you mean by brag. Most questions I read are on the sad side, wondering about their sexuality and unhappy about their life. I guess the other ones are being posted when I'm not on.

    But to answer your question, people that do that have a boring life and feel like they have to be superior to everyone else.

  15. i dunno... my motivation to be here is to see what people think about things. im sure thats similar to most peoples reasons for being here (including boredom). im not sure why people would come here to brag but i guess its because they dont know any REAL people to try and brag to!

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