
Why do people on here give Red Sox and Yankee fans such a hard time?

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Just about every day people come on here taking cheap shots at both teams. Most are in reference to how much money they spend on players. Well as fans they really don't have any control over that at all. And asking them not to root for either team because of the payrolls is way unfair. What? Should no one root for these teams? Should they not have a fan base based on that logic?




  1. i dont know im not a big fan of sports exept kung fu which i do

  2. here the idea dont like it bother you lol.  Jelous gets the better of them.

    but everyone in baseball today is OVERPAID.

  3. Its a rivalry its bound to happen

  4. Because it is fun to hate the teams that are most popular. I have always hated the Yankees because they are the most popular team, I like to be contrary.

  5. I am a Yankees fan & a fan since 1970 & it was the name of my little league team. It's always about the $$$ from the non fans of New York & Boston but not only do players from the Yankees & Red Sox make more $$$ than me, so do the players of the smaller market teams.  Average salary in baseball is about $390,000 & how many people on Y/A make more than the average player?  They can afford the to pay big $$$ & if you were blessed with the talent of some of those ball players & offered that kind of $$$, I bet my yearly salary nobody would turn down the $$$ & say, oh no, that's too much.

  6. Because us baseball fans in flyover country are sick of them both having their butts kissed by NESN National err ESPN..

    Twins / Cubs Fan!

  7. Those fans of organizations who can only afford $77 million payrolls (like the Reds) have a tough time competing against teams who can throw around $117 million like the Cubs....let alone $133 million from Boston or the $207 million from the Yankees.  If there were a cap like in the NFL, there wouldn't be so much hatred involved.

    When the Yankees throw up almost 3 times the salary than my Reds have, I will always dislike the b******s.  Then to hear the fans cry about anything....well, I just laugh.

  8. b\c there is nothing else to do...that's why we are on here anyway

  9. 10 stars to your questions, i totally agree

  10. Is it because they both support c**p teams. ??

  11. Jealousy.

  12. It is a rivalry that has been on for many many years.  I agree that it can get out of control like with death threats.  But it always seems we enjoy these two teams so much playing against each other.  I am almost sure it started with the Red Son trading  Ruth to the Yankees.

  13. Maybe its because of the fact that Red Sox and Yankee fans are some of the most arrogant and self-centered people on the planet. They do not have the capability to think beyond their own teams. They treat other fans like c**p, in New England if you are not a Red Sox fan, you will not get any service, in New York, if you are not a Yankee fan or even a Mets fan you might as well be dog meat.


  15. Because the are the two most popular teams and their fans are generally cocky, so they are naturally going to get c**p for it.

  16. In all honesty, the only people that give Red Sox fans much of a hard time is a Yankee fan.  Yankee fans seem to be fair game for everyone else though.

    As neither a Red Sox fan or a Yankee fan, let me tell you this.

    You will have normal, educated, sensible fans

    and the rest.

    When non-fans of those two teams start posting c**p about the two teams, it's usually a REACTION to something the 'rest' say.

    Things like 'how soon will Josh Hamilton be a yankee'

    Things like "Tampa bay (who had a better record at the time) is junk and Boston is for real"

    Things like suggesting that teams should be easier on the Yankees when trading (basically giving the Yankees players) because they are the most important team.

    People are hard on players of the teams sometimes too.  How a Yankee fan can hate the arrogence of Johnny Damon, but absolutely love the passion he plays with the minute he puts on a Yankee uniform.

    "Is Jeter the best shortstop in history" (really, some people think this)

    When someone comes on here touting 26 rings and 27 in 07, oops, 27 in 08, but really doesn't pay attention to the 4 in 30 part or the 0 in 8 part, it gets a little dry.

    If people want to cherry pick what things they want to highlight, then they have to endure some of the supporting counter arguments.

    So, people suggest, well, ya know, if a specific team spent $200 mil on payroll, they'd probably be annual playoff teams as well.

    Let's take a look at Tampa.  Their offence is already quite good, their payroll maybe at $40 mil.

    Let's take a look at current prices and see what their team would look like.

    Say, they had Santana instead of Jackson (20 mil), Sabathia instead of Sonnanstein ($18 mil)

    Their rotation would be Kazmir, Shields, Garza, Santana and Sabathia and they've raised their salary from 40 Mil to 78 mil.

    Let's shop for a RF, say Guerroro, so that's $93 mil.

    Don't need to improve on LF or CF.  Let's look at SS.

    Let's sign Hanley Ramirez for $17 mil.  That's 110 mil now.

    Heck, let's get Dan Uggla and pay him $12 mil.  $122 mil and counting.

    Let's trade for Brian McCann and give him $12 mil.

    $144 mil.  

    That's not quite 3/4 of the Yankees salary and it's a much improved team over a team that's over them in the standings.

    I guess what I'm trying to get across is that fans that treat NY Yankees like they are some sort of coveted god and expect everyone else to do that.  

    If you get across to the 'rest' of the fans to stop bragging about achievements that occurred way in the past or are basically the result of payroll, then I'm sure you'd also reduce the anti-yankee posts about how the team actually has the lowest win/$ spent ratio in baseball.

    It goes both ways.,  You seem to only have a problem with it coming back.

    edit: Take a look at this question.

    How many other questions do you hear about the playoff chances of 3rd place teams.  

    Do you see questions like this about the Marlins, the Tigers, the Brewers, the Cardinals, the Rockies??

  17. i agree they do get paid a lot, but some people are probably mad because these are 2 of the best teams right now. maybe they are overpaid but if they were the players they would want to be paid that much

  18. The Yankees and the Red Sox are the most popular teams. Whether people like to admit it or not, it's the truth. With that much popularity, it is inevitable that you will have just as many haters as fans. Since people can't really direct their hatred towards the team, they come on here and attack the next best thing: the fans.

    As a Yankee fan, it doesn't even bother me anymore. I'm used to it.

  19. People who aren't involved in real estate give Donald Trump a hard time and wish ill on him.  Why?  Because he's visible and an easy target (and a little loud, admittedly).  Same thing is at work with respect to the Yankees & Red Sox, to some extent (including the loudness ;).

    They're two of the larger markets.  They both have fans all over (a lot of old Dodger fans in NY switched their allegiance to Boston after their team moved to LA).  They both have very passionate fans.

    Throw all that in with the fact that they, through no real fault of either the teams or their fans, tend to have a lot of cash laying about, making it easier for them to attract big-name players, and you have what is coloquially known as 'sour grapes syndrome'.

    Every single person who complains about the excesses of either team secretly wishes that their team could do the same.  Since these people realize, deep down, that that'll never happen, the next best thing they can do is to try and bring down everyone else to their level.  Pure pettiness.

    Of course, having said all that, sometimes it just boils down to simple reciprocity. ;)

  20. cuz they are immature =/

  21. It's a mix of jealousy (of the success, not the teams), and envy of the situations that the teams are in.

    Every fan secretly wishes their team had the financial standing of the Yankees. They are worth over a Billion dollars, they have a payroll over $200 million and still turn a huge profit every year. They may wish they had a better front office than the Yankees, but anyone would be stupid not to wish for their resources.

    Also, having the most fans, (the Yankees and Red Sox) also attract the largest share of terrible bandwagon fans. I don't think there is anything wrong with growing to love a new team (bandwagoning) as long as you embrace the history. Most bandwagon fans jump on and claim dominance when the success was preceeded by long periods of dormancy.

    Being at the top of anything for too long gets you alot of haters. Think Duke Basketball, The Detroit Red Wings, The New England Patriots, USC to an extent. Jealousy is a big factor, if you spend $200 million and win every year, teams that can only afford $50 million and cannot get out of 3rd place are going to resent you, plain and simple. When I say jealousy I don't mean it in a childish playground way, I mean it in the sense that every fan wishes their team would have the periods of success that the Red Sox and Yankees have had in the past 15 years. They don't wish they liked the Yankees or Red Sox, they envy the euphoric feeling of watching your team win. The hatred is bred from a mix of that feeling, passion about their team, and hatred of loudmouthed bandwagoners the world over.

    I really don't like how personal it gets though.. At the end of the day, it is just a game.

  22. Both teams have alot of bandwagoners who can't tell you what a bunt is. It makes the fanbase look bad especially the true fans

  23. there are two types of people in this world Red Sox fans and the ones who want to be

  24. cause we like mets

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