
Why do people only believe what they want to believe?

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All these people whine about how Batista is so "mean" and how he cheated on his wife. yet no one talks about Austin PHYSICALLY abusing his wife or how Taker is dating someone young enough to be his daughter.whatsupwiththat?




  1. I don't know. So many people hate Batista as an in ring competitor that they might use it as an excuse to trash his personal life.  

  2. Thats because Common Sense is soooooooo uncommon to Humans!!!!

  3. An old saying of decades ago: "everything in the eyes of the beholder". People only want to see what they want. I understand.

  4. I didn't know austin used to beat up his wife. And about take michelle mccol. I don't really see a problem with that. There's only 14years differenceD:


  6. I don't care about that. That's private, that's nothing I should worry about.

  7. yeah,i know that is their personal problems yet people want to know everything

  8. That, is not a good thing to talk about because there are so many Austin fans, they report you and give you thumbs down, Batista's fan-base sucks. Taker needs more fun I guess, but then again, those two have a larger-fanbase than Batista, now I bet I'm going to get 2 thumbs down or more, but I'm only telling the Truth.

  9. b/c belief is all in your mind and you can only belive what your mind wants you to belive.

    BTW Undertaker is NOT dating Michelle McCool, he is married to Sara Callaway and she is Married to Jeremy Alexander

  10. Didn't the Undertaker cheat on his wife with Michelle McCool.

  11. people arnt talking about Austin and Debra cause thats old news and the Taker thing no one knows if thats true but fact batista is a cheat  

  12. i no they shouldnt really no about him and his wife its there personal problems

  13. I must have missed all those comments, but then I follow other wrestling promotions besides the WWE. What happens among men and women in wrestling is no different than any other entertainment business or professional athletics. No one is making you watch anyone you don't want to. If you feel that strongly, don't go to House Shows, Live Events, Pay Per Views, buy WWE merchandise, etc.

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