
Why do people oppose windmills?

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It seems like a fairly good solution to America's energy needs.




  1. ofcourse it is, but whats going to happen to all these oil firms?

  2. You answered your own question.

    It's kinda hard to get a monopoly on the wind.

  3. Great question, because earlier this year I attended some Cape Wind hearings since if they were to put wind turbines in the Nantucket sound, I could see them from the beach which is a 5 minute walk from my backyard.

    I'm against it for a couple reasons. First off, the location. At least where I live. It would be one thing if it was on land, but the rich people want to put wind turbines in the ocean. They lie too. They say you won't see them from the beach, but they're HUGE and the control station is going to be blanketed in flashing lights. Imagine the migrating birds, where the turbines would be stationed is directly in their path, they descend and ascend, and imagine at night, all of a sudden they are heading for a giant spinning tower? And we are already having issues with endangered birds. The ocean floor would be torn up. Fishing boats' routes would be all messed up, and when you look out onto the water while gliding through the ocean on the ferry, instead of seeing the sun setting on the horizon, you see 150 towers and a control station with flashing lights and annoying noises. And the people that are behind all this are rich, snobs who understand nothing. They don't care about the environment! They just brain wash everyone. They are just in it for the money. And they want to save the environment and stop polluton, which is incredibly hypocritical because if you take a closer look at their lifestyle, I doubt they even drive a hybrid car. They are in it for the money, and the location is terrible. That's why I am against it, at least where I am.

  4. Not many people oppose windmills.  Of the ones who do, the main reasons I am aware of are:

    1. Windmills are against their financial interest (e.g. they are invested or employed in the oil industry);

    2. Windmills are against their aesthetic interests (e.g. they own a home with a great view which will be "ruined" by windmills);

    3. They believe windmills will do more harm than good (e.g. cause environmental damage, inefficient investment of capital, and etc.).

  5. like every great ideal -- it is a great plan but not in my back yard!!   i say bring one and plant it after removing my shade tree!!!

  6. I guess they like high gas prices.

    Have you seen the Pickens plan? T Boon Pickens- a most prominent oil tycoon says we need to get wind power soon.

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