
Why do people order a double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke?

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Why do people order a double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke?




  1. They are probably used to diet pop so there for that is what they drink. Some of them may be a diabetic and can't have the sugar in regular pop. What does it matter?

  2. Once in awhile is fine! but to have in daily is very bad for you

  3. Because they're dumb.

  4. Maybe they like that food and actually like the taste of diet Coke.  Plus the diet Coke will at least cut 600 calories from their meal.

    Who cares anyway? Mind your own business.

  5. yea i wonder the same thing it makes no sense all i can figure is its to fool themselves to think their trying to lose weight

  6. The Diet Coke is to off-set the damage of the other two items. :)

  7. believe it or not, some people just like the taste of diet coke like myself

  8. Because they are on a diet and the diet coke erases all the calories in the burger and fries! LOL!

  9. ive always ask that question myaself but up until i went on a diet and then off a diet did i know why ..because while on a diet u get used to a certain soda and then when u stop dieting u tend to like that soda better.....thats my reason other ppl i think they try n convince themselves the calories cancel out if they get a huge diet soda with their pizza lol ..

  10. no matter how you look at it, it is less calories then a regular soda.  It seems kind of crazy, but switching to diet soda, and doing nothing else different, will add up to a significant weight loss at years end.

  11. Because they want an occasional big splurge but they still want to cut back SOMEWHERE in calories.

    I've done it myself many times.

  12. People do it just to make you wonder but dont worry about it. You will get over it if they do.

  13. Not all people who drink diet coke drink it because they are trying to loose weight.  Diabetics drink it because it has less sugar.

    Some people drink it simply because that's what they were raised with so it's what they prefer taste wise.

  14. It's good.

    Great money saver too.

    Although I get a regular coke not diet.

  15. Because there is a counter-chemical reaction from the diet coke in which serves as an enzyme against the grease, fat, and calories and turning them into a big fat cottage-cheese gluteus maximus.

  16. Because regular cokes tastes too sweet and syrupy and just plain icky. Diet Coke is the only soda that tastes decent.

  17. I guess they are in denial. You better ask the people that are ordering that before they are not here to answer you.

  18. The diet coke will help keep their weight down.

  19. to take the calories out of the coke so they CAN have the double cheeseburger and the large fries.

  20. Fooling their own bodies. Which diet drink has been exploitated to make you crave more sugar.

  21. i don't know. all i know i am one of those people.

  22. Most people who have answered are right: they order the Diet Coke because they want to feel as if they are "eating healthy." Also, some people order the Diet Coke because they just like the taste.

    I have a friend who consumed an unhealthy amount of coke, at least a three liter a day, she switched to Diet and she lost about 20 pounds, while staying with her usual regiment of food.

    Just imagine if these people ordering the food decided to cut back a teensy bit and ordered a single cheeseburger, medium/small fries, and the diet coke. I'm sure they wouldn't feel as full, but I know that when I am starving and I order a copious amount of food, and actually eat it, I feel sick. I just don't get how some people do it!

  23. I drink diet sodas because I don't like the sugar in the regular sodas -- two sweet for me.  So maybe that's why.

  24. THey believe it's lower in calories.

  25. Because they're "thinking" with their Stomachs. And the MORE they do That, the BIGGER their stomachs GET !  :0

  26. Believe it or not, I actually prefer the taste of Diet Coke to regular.

    In addition, a large drink with one refill is going to run you at least 500 calories.  While the rest of the meal might be 1800 calories, cutting that extra 500 can really make a difference.  In fact, you are cutting more calories than if you just ordered a burger and regular drink and skipped the fries.

    Try not to be so judgmental.  Why do you care so much?

  27. yea, that is pretty silly.

  28. piggie, piggie,piggie.

  29. because i don't like the taste of regular soda.  plus, my bf is diabetic and he orders diet too.  why do people order McD's sweet tea?  because they like how it taste!

  30. Because they are really hungry.=)

  31. because they are HUNGRY ?

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