
Why do people (other than business people) go to starbucks with thier laptop to surf the web?

by  |  earlier

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Are they just doing it because they want to do what everyone else is doing? I think it has more to do with looking like your doing something than any actual productivity.




  1. they're probably on yahoo answers answering a question like "am i pregnant?" because they're bored.

  2. I agree...If I was really working, that would be too distracting, the people coming & going, the blenders....maybe they just wanna get out of the house? And, it does smell REALLY good in there!!!

  3. I think they go there because of the atmosphere. It's quiet and it smell good and you're surrounded by creativity. Seriously think about it it's hard to concentrate at home. Especially at my house....Kids, telephone, roommate, etc. It's a great place to go to concentrate without distractions.

  4. the same reason they pay for the high price coffee, it's all about image. they want to look important!

  5. I used to do homework there. Quieter than my apt and off campus.

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