
Why do people own horses if they can't afford a vet?

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I'm really curious why people own a horse or horses when they can't afford a vet as the need arises?

And if they own 5 horses and can't afford a vet, why don't they just own the amount of horses, say 2, so they can afford a vet?




  1. When buying a horse people just think saddle and bridle and maybe pasture. NO!!! There  is around 1,000 things minimum that you must get! This includes anywhere from spurs, bits, and halters, to jumps, vet bills, and boarding!

    They just either dont  think about it or are too confident that nothing will ever happen and they dont even need the farrier or the teeth floated??

    Stupid desicions!!!


    *you have planned out EVERYTHING

    *have a lot of time

    *have a loit of money

    Good question!

    You should vote me best answer lol because i need points!!

    Thanks!! :)

  2. that goes for ANY animal ...

    because they are selfish and don't really bother to worry about the poor animals needs in the future. everyone should know that farm animals and pets or whatever you own comes with a price! i had a friend like that and i watched most of her pets die. i felt sick to my stomach and could never go over to the house again. i saved my dog from her house and my 2 ferrets. my ferrets died from cancer at an old ages, but they lived their remaining years with love. :) my dog now is 10! if you can't afford the animal DON'T GET IT! sadly, a lot of people just don't care and i can't respect people like that.

  3. I think they don't think that far ahead.  Someone else said because they don't care about  the animals, i don't think that's it.  They get caught up in the moment they start out with just one horse, then they get an other on to keep the 1st one company, then before they know it they have 5.  You could maybe look at it as selfish, because they don't think about all that owning a horse involves, just that they want another one.  

  4. It brings a whole new meaning to loving them to death.

    I really hate that saying because some people really do. You hear so many times "I love them too much to get rid of them" so then they suffer. I would hate to be loved that much.

    Very good question.

  5. Sadly, this is common with many different domestic animals, not just horses. Their desire to own these animals overrule their responsibility to own only what they can truly afford.

    Bothers me a lot, but I don't know WHY they do it, other than being ''greedy'' in a sense. Getting what they want, without giving them what they need.

    EDIT: In response to the answers "Because they love them": If they truly love the animals, they would want to make sure they can provide proper medical attention for them. It's NOT ''love'' to make an animal live in a home where they don't get the proper care.

  6. Horses are a status symbol to a lot of people.

    I knew a "horse collector" that had 20+ horses, most were untrained and absolutely useless.  You had to ace them to do anythign with them.  But she loved being able to say she had a "ranch" with 20+ horses.  When one came up with a digestive issue she said she couldn't afford the vet and treated it herself with pepto bismol and yogurt.  The horses didn't get better (duh) and ended up dying.  I wanted to report her for neglect but I never did.

  7. They probably think nothing bad could happen to their horse so they wouldn't need a vet or they can tend to matters themselves....I have a vet that works with my rescue and she is allowed at anytime to enter this property to check the horses.  I just pay for the stuff she uses guess I'm lucky in a way.  We work well together and she teaches me things and lets me do the stuff she should be doing...This is just in case she isn't around.  You should be able to afford a vet bill if you own any type of animal.  I figure and have saved 5 grand per horse and i have ten here now.

  8. That's a good question....I"m assuming lots of land owners who happen to have farms or lots of acres, if they do want a few horses on their land...they far as how they would treat these animals once something serious's basically as simple as treating 'em rightheously thru veterinarian care or paying a hefty fine due to animal rights and neglect situations...Nevertheless...anyone can have horses!

  9. because they really want a horse. A vet is important though like seriously if a horse needs help who are they going to go to?

  10. If their farmers, they REALLY trust their horses, or they are looking forward to selling the horses after raising them. Other than that, I'm not too sure other than they are really looking forward to bragging rights or they wish to breed more horses to sell of course.

  11. very good question people should research and read about horses and the expenses that come with it including vet bills. People should really think about what is best for the horse so if you can't afford the bills then you shouldn't get a horse.

  12. Before reading anyone's answers...I'm gonna play 'devil's advocate'...

    At this point in time...I also own horses but can't afford a vet call every time something goes wrong.  I also LEARNED how to take care of minor things so I didn't HAVE to call a vet.  I also LEARNED what IS a vet call.

    What might be a vet call for someone else...won't necessarily be one for me.  I also have a 'relationship' WITH a vet.  With that...I can call and request meds that I can administer myself or even stitch a wound closed.  *Which is what happened not too long ago.*

    Even doing home vetting...the vet is involved though.  I will call and state the problem...what I did...and what the results were.  Most of the time I get "good, keep it up".  Or I will be given different advice.

    Our finances 'happened' and we work hard to keep the two we have left.  

    And the 'relationship' I spoke of with our vets???  That also comes into play when a vet and his clinic is DEFINITELY needed.  And I can arrange payments...because he knows me and my horses.

    Because I cared...I sold the 'replacement' for my old mare.  I couldn't maintain her the way she deserved.  I loved her enough to let her go...instead of holding on...hoping things would get better...

  13. Because people think short term and don't always realize that caring for an animal can be just as expensive as caring for a child. Also, people put their needs first.... they want the animal because they love pets, however they should put the animals' needs first and make sure that they can provide for it.

  14. some people dont have alot of horse experience or have someone to advise them.. they dont know what they are getting into... when i bought my horse i wasn't expecting stuff to cost as much as it all does.. but i had a back-up plan.

  15. I think they just really want to own a horse, and are not realistic about the cost of horse ownership.  It would be better if they found someone who owns (and can afford the care of) horses who will let them help take care of them, and ride and hang out with them.  A lot of people around here have horses, can well afford them, but don't have a lot of time to actually spend with them (are busy earning the money to take care of them!) and would welcome the attention to their horses from someone who is experienced and might just like some "horse time".  

    Around here, though, you do need to pay someone to ride your horses, if you want someone who is really experienced.

  16. because people dont know what theyre getting themselves into. experienced owners with a few horses do their own shots to save money, but also have some money incase something happens (atleast a couple tht i know) others dont care.

    what  i dont get is, why do people own horses if they hardly ride or do anything with em? expensive pets?

  17. Just because they can have a horse.  So many people do this just because they have the money to buy one, but they can't keep up with its other expenses.  I know that horses are great animals, and they seem to convince everyone that they need one.  Unfortunately, some people are not financially equipped to own a horse.  You would think that they would notice that they aren't, because they sure don't act like it.  It's like they realize it, but don't do the best thing for the horse because they want to keep it.  The horse is better of at a place where it is getting proper veterinary care.  I have been to barns where people have had horses, but then stop coming out and pawn them of on the barn owner (who needs another horse like they need a hole in their head).  

  18. Good question. Why do people have kids if they can't afford clothing, school and all the rest of the expenses? It's a mixture of social pressure and material desire. They aren't really thinking when they do it, later they realise how expensive it is to maintain.

  19. Inki has a pretty good point. Instead of affording their kid an honest education and for selfish self-preservation, they hand their kid a lap-top and tell them to google it and then Voila- yahoo answers get another "Is my horse's bloody leg in need of vet care!" question.

    As for owning horse's and not paying vet care, It's just stupidity. There is no excuse or "they just love them". If they really loved their horse they would care to get the horse vaccinated so the horse doesn't get EHV, strangles, or WNV. There is no excuse for owning more horse's than you can give the required care for.

    Real love is letting your animal go to a better home rather than drag him in the ground with you.

    EDIT- BB you brought up a good point that everyone definition of vet care is different. I consider vet care vaccinations, castration, and surgical procedures. I believe  horse owners should know how to spot clinical signs of colic, allergies, and be able to be a good judge of when their horse needs his teeth checked, back worked on, and feet shod or trimmed. A owner needs to know how to react quickly to a minor leg or hoof problem such as thrush, white line, sprain, and muscle soreness. People need to know how to properly wrap a horse's legs and need to know how to vaccinate and give injections should the need arise.

    Many vets now a days are teaching trainers and competitors how to drain tendon sheath fluid in their reining and cow horse's as this is a common ailment in horse's that work off their hind end the way they are required. I think being knowledgeable will over ride a lot of those unnecessary vet calls. If you know the basic of vet care and horse care, then the vet should only be required for absolute emergency's and those bi-yearly check ups.

  20. i've been wondering that for a long time, that's one of those unanswerable questions, well it's answered with the best statment ever

    the general public are complete and total idiots

  21. People do a lot of things they can't afford - they go on holidays, buy expensive cars and have kids.

    This is the credit society and I suppose they always figure they can borrow more if the need arises.

    Also a lot of the time we are also throwing away perfectly usable stuff so the same people come to think that pets are disposable as well - as soon as it becomes inconvenient you ditch it. Makes me shudder.

    Insurance is always useful but the real asshats are the people who CAN afford it but don't.

  22. people dont plan ahead. They see a cheep horse and they want it. They dont think about what expenses they will have to pay later on. Good question!


    P.S. pleez answer mine. it doesn't involve much thought lol just OPINION;...

  23. people buy animals because they were cute and companions, but then they realize they can't aford them and then they get prosecuted for animal abuse

  24. Major denial which seems to be a common virus amongst some horse doubt they're the same ones with miles of barbed wire fencing, a turn out area full of cast off equipment, hay thats been left out in the rain, grain that the community rats partied in the previous evening, and beer cans strewen about their tack rooms.  Oooops.

  25. Why do people own horses when they don't know anything about them & cannot afford them?

    Same reason people have kids when they shouldn't even own a cat, ignorance!

    Just because you WANT it, doesn't mean you are smart enough to HAVE it!

  26. Well, probably not thinking.  Or, not realizing just how expensive it is for horse vet care, compared to say, a cat.

  27. okay, it's 12 am and i'm am NOT going to read any other answers till tomorrow. but i will answer it now and go on my way. . .

    because they dont know any better?

    because they werent aware of all the costs?

    because nobody told them?

    because ignorance is bliss?

    any number of reasons, but i just personally find it beyond ignorace and well past stupid. and if you dont know the difference between ignorace and stupid go learn something new tonight.

  28. That's a good question and my answer is,  its because they want to feel or look important to the people around them. They feel really insure about themselves so what happens when you feel insure, you go out and buy something that makes you happy even when you cant afford it.

  29. I really wish I knew. Vet bills is WHY I don't have my own horse! :(

    I'm saving up about $1000 before I lease/own for any surprise vet bills that my paychecks won't pay for right then and there.

    I couldn't live with myself if I bought a horse from a perfectly fine home, then the horse has to be put down later because I couldn't pay for it to be vetted. Extreme maybe, but it happens.

    Many a spoiled little girl get ponies for christmas (which sucks when their parents buy the pony you've fallen in love with that you part boarded and rode in lessons) and have no idea about horse care. People act without thinking about the longrun...and its definetely one of my pet peeves. Lots of questions ask on here, "Am I ready for a horse?" and they've only been riding a couple months, and can't do much other than walk/trot. If they got a horse, and it required say, split boots, I'm sure the kid would be dumb founded.

    Thanks for asking this, its good to get some opinions out :)

  30. Well I am sure that most people who own horses can't comfortably afford a $10,000 vet bill. And it's not just with horses, with every animal

  31. I have asked the same thing many of times..But if they can't afford a vet I am sure they can't afford the feed the shoeing and the rest of the responsibility  that comes with having horses. I have 5 and wouldn't think of letting them go with out

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