
Why do people park in reverse?

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At my local grocery store I see people park in reverse, why?




  1. Easier to drive out of a parking spot rather than back out.

    The probably pull through an empty spot to get to the spot they parked in.

  2. I always thought it was a "man thing".  No offense guys.  However, i see many woman parking that way.  It's basically so they don't have to back out of a parking spot.  Pulling out is safer.

  3. Sometimes it's as simples as: "OOPS! I missed a parking spot. Instead of going around the aisle and hope it's still there, I'll just back up and back in." LOL (I don't do it, but I've been a passenger several times going "ahh! what are you doing!!!!")

    I always pull in at the store (easier to get all those groceries into the trunk) and then back in at home (easier to get the groceries out of the trunk).

  4. its easier to drive back out then

  5. I like to see what's in front of me and driving out of a crowded parking lot space works much better than backing out.

  6. If they have a manual transmission it will (along with the parking brake) help keep their car from rolling away as it would in neutral. I myself use 1st gear for that, but to each their own.

  7. An automatic tranny,   they shouldn't be able to remove the key.    

    A stick tranny,   which gear you leave the car in depends on the slope.

  8. I do this sometimes if I need to pull out quickly and there's going to be lots of vehicle or pedestrian traffic. I always park in reverse when we go to concerts and different kinds of sporting events because when the show is over there's tons of people walking around and most of the time it is at night. Its a lot safer in these situations to pull straight out with your headlights in front instead of trying to back out.

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