
Why do people pick on 1 person for 4 whole years or more?

by Guest33327  |  earlier

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simple question just want to know why its not right.




  1. It's simply because they have issues. What sane person do you know who holds a grudge like that for four or more years?

  2. Because they can.

    And if that person allows it, they continue.

    That person has choices.

    1) Allow it to continue

    2) Resort to violence and retaliate against the picking

    3) Use some "verbal judo" and defend himself against the attackers.

    If it is a picking on that is racial, g*y bashing, or something like that, the picking could be illegal and the person could file charges.

    Other than that, people will do whatever they can get away with until they realize that

    1) I will get smacked

    2) I will get arrested

    The next time I do it.

    Humans are just like any other animal.

    You have to teach them a lesson.

  3. I think it is a psychological thing to pick on gives the person a sense of authority and power over others...if you look carefully they only pick on those they know will not fight back or win.  Chances are they are picked on them self or feel lonely or something and this is the only way to get the attention they crave....either way...I feel that it is wrong too.  The question is 'what will you do about it?'  

  4. its stupid. There is no explanation other than, to make them selves feel superior. It its you they are picking on, I'm sorry. It WILL get better one day, when you are a millionaire and they aren't.

  5. You want to know why it's not right? Because it is deemed evil and cruel that's why? The same as animal cruelty, rape, murder etc... those aren't right either.

    As for stopping it, contact someone who can help, may it be someone at school that'd be the teachers, but keep it on the DL. We new a kid which appeared to have an illness he got picked on a good lot however, we had the best Head of Year at our school. Guy couldn't of been a more sound dude and because he was close to us, he sat the whole year down in the hall, and was kind, but expressed his anger and a lot of people respected that kid a bit more.

    You haven't given enough information, whether it is you who is being picked on, someone else, or if it is only just a question. In any case it's wrong and that's that... otherwise take my advice, talk to someone.


  6. why its not right to pick on them, or why they get picked on

    My guess is the person is passive maybe if they retaliated then the picking would stop.

  7. Some people are bullies, plain and simple.  They will grow up to pick on their spouse, children, employees....  It gives a person a false sense of power when they put another person down.  If they are used to picking on a particular person, they'll continue because it's easy for them.  Maybe the person seems defenseless in some way.  There is a particular reaction that the bully probably enjoys, too.  If the one being bullied whines, yells, or seems displeased in any way, the bully is getting just what he wants.  

  8. It is a proven fact that kids who bully have low self-esteem and therefore seek out others who are weaker than they are to pick on and make themselves feel superior.  You can pull up any clinical study on this to verify.

    Don't feel bad.  Lot's of kids who were bullied in highschool come into there own as adults and far surpass the people who picked on them in acheivement.

    If you are being picked on, the best thing to do is not to engage them.  Or better yet, HUMILIATE them in front of others.  IE:  Tell them, "I know you are only picking on me to make yourself feel better."  Then smile and say, "I am sure you're a nice person deep down though, so glad I could help."  And walk away.

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