
Why do people pick on Jimmy Carter when he introduced legislature to increase use of solar panels and increase

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automible mileage only to have the laws nullified by Republican Ronald Reagon?





  1. Guess you missed the worst 4 years in American history, otherwise known as the Carter administration.

  2. Because instead of just sticking close to the peanut ranch

    and doing good works for Habitat,the man cannot keep his

    d@mned mouth shut.  

    He is constantly saying critical nonsense about a sitting POTUS. Doesn't matter which party.

    While he is now a private citizen and free to say whatever he

    pleases,it's not very tactful to start jumping up in down in front

    of news cameras to do it.

  3. Mostly because solar energy was more polluting, more expensive and less efficient than it is today.  (And even today it is too expensive to make economic sense.)

    The mileage laws were resented by the American people.  

    Neither of these laws were good ideas.

  4. Iran hostage crisis.

    This is what made him unpopular and the reason he lost to Reagan.

  5. Because it's harder to monetize than oil and Bush's oil cronies want to continue to make money off the blood of dead civilians and US military.

  6. Carter is a traitor to freedom! Worse that yahoo.

  7. Because apart from a few little things like this, which the lefties like, Carter didn't do anything good.

    Reagan won the Cold War.

  8. Auto manufacturers increased mileage by making cars lighter, less sturdy, and less safe.  Traffic deaths increased because of it.  The intentions were noble; the results not so much.  Still, look up the CAFE standards sometime.  Despite the environmental ignorance perpetuated by the media, cars are vastly less polluting than they used to be and we do not have nearly as much air pollution as we used to have.

    I'm not aware of the solar legislation you speak of, but even today solar power costs two to five times as much as conventional power.  But, again, we have many laws and incentives on the books to encourage the use of solar energy.

    Jimmy Carter gets picked on for his legacy of 10% unemployement, 22% interest rates, 70% income tax rates, botching up the Iran hostage crisis, and his complete inability to work with congress.  (Among other things.)

    Considering the state of our economy in 1980, it's a real hoot that people complain about the economy under Bush...though, for other obvious reasons, Bush will be listed alongside Carter as one of our worst presidents.

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