
Why do people place so much importance on winning?

by Guest32951  |  earlier

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Why do people place so much importance on winning?




  1. Because there's no profit in loosing, and the human species

    is caught between the enjoyment of reprocriation and paying

    the evenetuall price for that pleasure, and the corperations,

    are only to well aware of this pleasure they to so enjoy, but

    that we pay for, compettion is not only good for the soul but

    for the walet, as well . . .

  2. It starts in school, Spelling Bees, best GPA, sports. Everyone wants to be the best at something. It is natural.

  3. THE only reason is to further ones chances of mating,  winning will either attract a mate or raise social standing so as to attract a mate.

  4. Because it gives us HAPPINESS, JOY n a feeling of climbing the ladder of SUCCESS........

    But obviously in the right manner.. We all shud be competitive in a healthy way widout being a threat to anyone....

    Because then the joy of winning is not pure n looses the charm of HARD WORK...............

    And ofcourse "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST"


  5. only looser don't care about winning

  6. b/c we learn at an early age that that is the only way, well most of us anyway.

  7. Because winning is everything

  8. because in some delusional way it makes people seem more important then they would feel if they lost

  9. Do you like to lose?

  10. On an evolutionary scale it ensures that the ablest survive.

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