
Why do people post stories on here about the death of their pets?

by  |  earlier

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Why don't they realize that this is not the place to be talking about that sort of stuff? Especially, when they are not actually asking any question - just telling their personal life story




  1. because they can...........

  2. Why did my pet die? Sounds like a question to me.

  3. I think because they're looking for a place to get some sympathy, but yeah, they'd be better putting that in a blog or somewhere more appropriate.

  4. Give them a break, they're hurting and they need to let it out. They may want to just let the world know their pet meant a lot to them and was the best pet ever. And they need to hear from other people who have been through such a loss.

  5. idk, but my pets are still alive and well!

  6. You sound like a compassionate person, just kidding. If you don't like to read things like that, then don't!

  7. A lot of times it is a question. Like, how can I deal with my pet's death? And when it isn't, they tell us how they feel so we can give them advice. Advice is an asnwer and this is Yahoo Answers, question or not people seek an opinion and an answer. I love animals and I do like people who seek support for the loss of a pet.

  8. Get over yourself....

  9. whats wrong with posting  about  a pet who happen  to be  like a family  member  dying?  i  rather  read  about  the  pet  than  having  someone  post  DO YOU THINK I'M PRETTY  or  could  i  be  pregnant  if  i  have  s*x  and  don't  use  a  condom. people post  because  there  is  a pet  category  and  posting  like  that  should  be  fine

  10. Who knows. Free country.

    Alot of people don't really ask questions. So, report those who rant or rave. I feel bad for someones loss, but it's called Yahoo QUESTIONS!

  11. maybe because the pet was a friend not just something and need help getting over it

  12. Because they are sad and posting their story makes them feel better.  You are right, it's not a question...but if it makes them feel better than what's the difference?

  13. Because they can.. It's a free country.

  14. so is this relevant according to you?

  15. *shrugs* who knows

  16. Why do people ask why other people post questions about death of pets?  don't they have anything better to do?  Here's a tip for you, go on to the next question.

  17. Because they want to know why it died.

    How to overcome the grief of losing a loved pet.

    To ask others how they got through it.

    This questions of yours sounds rather heartless you know.

  18. Its comforting talking about death. Also if there are as many as you saying - they can bond over it.

    Lovely stuff.

  19. well maybe b/c they need some emotional support !

  20. To be honest this is a place to do that.

    It's a way of mourning to other people if they have people who don't care or don't want to listen, that way they get sympathy and closure that they need.


  21. Most of the time they are looking for a shoulder to cry on, as part of the grieving process.

  22. they're probably just really upset about the situation and want someone to post a story kind of like it, or even worse so they know they're not alone and want people to post advice on how to get through it.

  23. cause they got nothing else to do

  24. I didn't know people posted those kind of questions.  They just want feedback to make them feel better.  It is very unfortunate to lose a pet.

  25. Maybe they are looking for comfort or some kind of closure they are not finding in 'real life'. I feel they just want some kind of relief and comfort from others, even if it's strangers. Have some sympathy.

  26. I've never seen it, and you aren't really asking a question either, just complaining...

  27. How do I deal with the death of my pet.... yep that's a question.

    How do I decide if it's time to put my beloved animal down... yep another question

    How do I deal with the death of my pet.... wow another question!

    How do I get over being heartless and not having an understanding of why people ask questions when they don't understand a process....  Well perhaps we can help you answer this last one.

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