
Why do people post strange topics under CONSERVATION, which is about conserving resources?

by  |  earlier

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I see too many topic threads of for CONVERSATION starters....doesn't everyone choose the subject area for the question? Just curious!




  1. Well to answer your question it is because yahoo answers is giving out free light bulbs to people that sign up for their "Be a Better Planet" offer.  To get a free Eco-friendly light bulb you must accumulate 500 "Green Credits".  You get 10 credits for each best answer you receive in the time period but 75 credits for each best answer in the Environment category.  Since conservation is part of environment category each best answer here would score 7.5 times the credits that a normal best answer would.  In hopes of amassing more credits people are posting oddball topics in the conservation category so people can get best answer and get their light bulbs.

    This  "Be a Better Planet" offer ends at midnight on June 6.  Expect much less off topic questions after the offer has ended.

  2. this is a stupid question

  3. Apparently they do not understand what should be posted or asked in CONSERVATION category.

  4. its cool it is a category just finding its way

    i answer a lot on conservation if it is about forrests ,

    but you are right there have been some strange questions ,

    Dont worry this is only the third day that we have had it .give it a couple of weeks to finds its feet

    with enough relevant questions ,others will follow

    CONVERSATION this looks almost the same if you look at it quickly

  5. I had just been wondering about that, too when I came to this board.... They must think saving the environment is a joke.

  6. Dyslexic people!

    Conversation looks similar to Conservation!

    Funny, really.

    When you have a free-based answer system like this, you have to take the bad with the good. All in all, best thing you can do is answer their question, or ignore it.

  7. Either stupidity or don't know where the proper place is.

  8. there is more to be gained by having environment questions to answer because yahoo gives extra points and free flashlights in the conservation category.

    also people could be misreading the category name as conversation

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